1. Fated Encounter

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Raven's POV

For the first time in forever, her heart beat so fast for someone. Not because of the adrenaline rushing through her veins whenever she rained blood of her enemies with her claws or her weapons, but the devilishly handsome man that's standing before her at the moment. Someone she was supposed to fight to the death with; her sworn enemy. And yet she finds herself falling for him. Of course, she wasn't going to admit that, she is never going to admit that, being the prideful one. She was rather at a disadvantage as it seemed that he was being very observant and could predict her next move or attack. All the reason why she should defeat him first; it has been so long since she has met her match when it comes to intellect and strength during a fight. She has no plans to lose to someone; anyone in general. Yet he was making it rather difficult. She needed more time to figure him out, to find his fatal weakness. That smirk of his when most of her attacks were reflected, she was rather angered yet at the same time, impressed with his fighting skills. 'Perhaps that was why there were so many people were after his head', she thought to herself. If only she knew what he was thinking as they exchanged blows of attacks.

Damian's POV

'She isn't someone I should take lightly. Just look at her. Magnificent..' He couldn't take his eyes off of her at all. Her mesmerizing eyes when he first laid his gaze on them. His eyes were literally feasting on the woman that was before him. 'A goddess before me..' He smirked lightly, entertaining his own thoughts of the woman. He finds it entertaining when assassins were sent to his way to 'attempt' to assassinate him. People tend to underestimate him, to which is actually a huge advantage to him. The murderous glare in her eyes ignited his primal instincts somehow. He was even half convinced that if he wasn't being careful, she might succeed with the assassination attempt. She was close to clawing and tearing his throat out a few times, to which he skilfully dodged due to his flexibility. He knew he shouldn't lower his guard or even take a chance, yet he was crazy and reckless enough to do so. For someone who doesn't believe in love at the first sight, he was really contradicting himself. She intrigues him. Someone that managed to intrigue and peak his interest is before him, just that she's trying to behead him. Somehow the thought excited him more, as his eyes glowed slightly, his pearly white teeth bared as he grinned deviously at her. All he knew about her was her name and abilities for now; there was nothing that he doesn't know about his potential enemies.

"Bold of you to assume I'd be asleep during the wolf hours, my lady." His emerald-like eyes twinkled as he was shirtless, only wearing his pants. The dim lighting in his room makes his appearance even more attractive in general, the lighting highlights his lean, muscular form while he was standing a few feet before Raven. He had to play it cool and to appear indifferent when in fact, he was rather startled, and was caught off-guard even. 'As expected of her. Of course she managed to get past those crazy, high-tech securities and also magic barriers.' Even during their fight, he still found the time to admire the woman before him. Half of him hoping neither one of them would get killed if they fight to the death, the other half just wanted to stop fighting and perhaps approach things in a different way, or to strike a deal with her in some ways. But she was so distracting. Everything about her was so distracting in his eyes. The gracefulness of her moves, the way she looks at him, her voluptuous frame, he finds himself going there before he snapped himself out of it. One wrong move and he'd die and he still could think of that? He couldn't help but to chuckle at himself, to which Raven misunderstood his body language and thought it was a provocation to strike him. She was going in for the kill, her claws were already wrapped around Damian's throat, before he caught her off-guard. The rain poured so heavily outside, and the thunderous lightning roared across the skies. She picked the right time to carry out her assassination mission and infiltrating Damian's household was easier due to the heavy rain; security CCTVs wouldn't work that well in capturing her images either due to her agility. But she underestimated his strength, somehow. Before she knew it, he was on top of her. In his spacious bed, his strong grip on her wrists as he pinned them down above her head. His bare upper body, pressed against her own. Her heartbeat increased gradually, if it weren't for the sound of the rain, they would be able to hear how loud her heart was beating against her ribcage. "Aren't you magnificent, my lady." He whispered in a low tone, as he breathed in her scent. "For someone like you to be here.. For my head. It is an honor.." He didn't bother being a gentleman at the moment, as his lips grazed along her earlobe.

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