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Raven lost count on how many times Damian caught her off-guard with his words, actions and gestures, to the point it made her question if Damian is really the prince of Al-Ghul, the stories that she heard about that prestigious, powerful bloodline that was known to be cruel, vicious and ruthless to their enemies. Ever since he asked her to be his wife, he has shown her a side that she didn't expect he would be capable of showing; loving, caring, compassionate. It came to the point she was wondering if he had a split personality, or something similar. Damian noticed how Raven was observing his every gestures, he couldn't help but to smirk, while he reached to caress her cheek once more. "What's on your mind, my dear?" His question made her startled and snapped out of her own thoughts. He decided to tease her more as he stuck his tongue at her playfully. "Why, you're already fantasizing about our first night? I'm right here, babe." He enjoyed seeing her reactions after all, he finds it adorable and endearing, even. Who would've expected that his wife-to-be had this adorable side as well? He has heard of her reputation as the princess of darkness, daughter of Trigon. A powerful demon, conqueror of many worlds. He wouldn't expect Raven to remember the first time they meet each other when the both of them were much, much younger. 'One step at a time,' He thought to himself. He was content for the moment, for being able to hold his beloved in his arms. It felt almost surreal, that she's going to be his wife soon, the thought of spending his life with the one he loves most made him smile to himself.

"I just.. Didn't expect you to have a side like this, too, Damian. You're the pride of Al-Ghul, and I have heard of your reputation." She smiled and reached to lace her fingers with his own. She had her concerns about it, but she wanted to believe in him. She wasn't exactly a saint, either. Both of them are considered as prodigies when it comes to assassination. Both of them grew up and endured hardships during their respective trainings and shoulder different responsibilities; so alike yet so different at the same time. And the man before her eyes, she never thought that they will end up this way. Damian would lift her chin up, making her gaze into his eyes.

"Be honored, darling. You're the only one who gets to see this side of me." He grinned devilishly, before he kissed the tip of her nose and winks at her. "Now. We have a wedding to plan.. And I don't plan to keep on waiting for so long. I've waited long enough.. Now that you've agreed to be mine. Would you prefer to just have our own vows, and ditch the wedding preparations instead, sweetheart? I could care less about traditions right now, if I'm being honest." His eyes gazed deeply into hers as he spoke those words. She could feel how earnest he is as he gazed solemnly at her. How could she say no to him, when he's been exposing his own feelings to her; his raw, honest feelings that he has been keeping to himself for so long? Not a slightest hint of hesitation in his voice at all, and she found herself swaying even more for him. He's so good with his words, such a silver-tongued charmer.

"You mean.. We should just elope? Is that alright for us to do so? You'll get in trouble." She chuckled at her own question, looking at him with an innocent look on her face. Clearly she's not that well-versed when it comes to relationship matters; then again, so is he. Damian, listening to her question, chuckled as well, before he cupped both of her rosy cheeks in his hands, not taking his eyes off of hers. He meant it in a different way, and it seems that Raven didn't get the hint; obviously he's going to be straightforward about what he wants from her. Without answering her question, his hands would travel down along her shoulders, moving further down her hips. Lifting her up slightly, shifting her position so she would be straddling his hips once more.  He began to lean into her, inhaling her scent; it was rather intoxicating, as he began to wrap an arm around her waist. His lips grazed along the collarbone of her neck. His tongue flicked along the soft skin of her neck, before he moved lower down to her cleavage. His body pressing up against her own as he kept her in place. A soft groan escaped his lips from how close their bodies were, pressing against each other. If Raven didn't get what he meant this time, he's really going to lose his sanity, trying his best to be civil and not just give into temptations.

"Did I stutter? Or you could be my wife right now..." His hand moved up to caress along her covered chest. Groping on one of her breasts softly, as he moved up to kiss along her jawline and then her earlobe, growling seductively. "Can you resist me right now, my love? I've longed for this moment and now you're here.. I can't wait anymore." She was making him so turned on, and it was getting harder for him to be civilized at the moment. All he could think right now was her, and his desires are getting out of hand since she isn't resisting his advances at all. He half expected her to stop him, or even reject his advances. He expected her to tell him to refrain until they have a proper wedding ceremony, to do it the proper way. He couldn't help but to groan a bit more as he felt her hips pressing, and even grinding against his own, her eyes would widen slightly as he gazed into her eyes, his breathing gradually getting heavier. He's not hallucinating, is he? This sly vixen, is she trying to tempt him even more? Does she not know how much he's restraining himself at the moment? Is she trying to torture him to the point he couldn't control himself anymore? His hand gripped onto her hip instinctively in return as he could feel himself getting excited for her.

Raven was trying her best not to be so nervous. He was making her hot and bothered as well with his touch, and his seductive words aren't helping at all. Unbeknownst to him, she has also been in love with him for the longest time. She tried her best to contain her happiness when he asked her to be his wife. But right now, with how Damian is right now, he's making it rather onerous to refuse him. It doesn't help at all when she was trying her best to be prim and proper, yet she finds herself being ensnared by him. His strong hand grasping her breast making her moan softly,  she gripped onto his shoulders for support. Her heart beating a bit faster as she decided to give in to him, trying not to stutter her words. "I... I want to be your wife right now, Damian." If she's going to go through this moment, there's no one else she'd rather be with but him. "I want to be yours.." Her cheeks flushed red as she muttered those words to him. She has no intentions of refusing him at all. What mattered was how she felt for him, and vice versa. Just like him, she has been waiting, hoping for as long as she remembered to be able to cross paths with him, and now that they've made a promise to be with each other, she has no plans on stopping him should he decide to make it official even if it was between the both of them. Damian's emerald eyes glazed as he heard her words. Those words that came from those luscious lips, acted as a trigger to his growing desires for her. Never in his life he wanted someone so badly, the woman that's currently straddling him is making him go crazy as time passes by, and he can't take it any longer. The sight of her like that awakened his primal instincts, and he was pleased by her words. He smirked, before he lifted her voluptuous frame up effortlessly and pinned her down underneath him as they were still in his bed, entwining their fingers together as he's now on top of her, staring deep into her eyes, as if making sure that she's not going to regret her words.

"How could I say no when my wife asks me so nicely..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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