2. Red Strings of Fate

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"Yet what makes you think that I will just say yes to you, when you know who I am? I'm a queen, not a princess." She replied in a monotonous manner, she was glad to know that Damian has this sassy side of him. He made her feel like she could say anything and he would come up with something to get back at her. It felt so natural to her, to bicker with him like this when this is only their very first meeting that started off at the wrong note. It made her wonder if he would actually be nicer if they met each other in a different setting. Her eyes twinkled as she questioned him. He noticed that she was having fun talking to him, retaliating with her own words, which made him more relaxed as well. He knew he made the right decision asking for her hand in marriage.

"Well then my queen. Forgive this humble self for addressing you the wrong title." He would roll his eyes playfully, to which she would laugh as he would grin sheepishly, his dimples showing again making him look even more handsome, to which Raven would blush afterwards. "Are you really going to make me kneel down and beg, mm?" He grazed along her cheek softly with the tips of his fingers, before gripping her chin gently so she won't look away. "It's already difficult as it is trying to keep my hands off of your delightful physique, love. Must you torture me like this?" He reached to grip her hand softly, while his eyes staring deep into her own once more. Raven felt like her legs were going weak whenever he stared into her eyes like that. Thankfully neither of them were standing, so it wasn't that obvious that he was making her literally weak from his words and the way he hold her in his arms.

"Perhaps I will think about it.." She decided to tease him by being playful and she winked at him. 'Two could play this game', she thought to herself. She would caress his hand with her thumb gently as he gripped her hand, and the look on Damian's face. It was priceless. Damian didn't expect that she would flirt with him and being playful like that, she was testing him indeed. His ears reddened as this time, he was the one who looked away from her. Never in his life he felt shy or embarrassed whenever a girl made a move on him. But her? She's really something else. It was mainly because he has feelings for her, which is why. Else he won't be so crazy and reckless to ask for her to marry him. Marriage is a sacred thing for him. It is a bond of life which he would treasure as long as he lives. His heart is set on her, and he doesn't question his feelings. He may get in trouble or perhaps being lectured if he brings up the idea of marriage, but he could care less. He loved her for some time, watching over her in the shadows without interfering in her life, but what he didn't knew was, she was doing the exact same thing. He smirked at her answer. He didn't have to try so hard to read between her lines. He would pull her close to him, making her straddle against his hips. Their bodies pressed against each other once more. Her eyes leveled with his own. Seems like he's not the only one whose cheeks were flushed red; she was also blushing madly.

"Why think about it when you and I both know what's the answer.." He leaned close, his lips grazed against yet own as he whispered to her, loud enough for her to listen. Not giving her a chance to reply, he kissed her lips deeply this time, while his hands groped along her hips, his tongue slithered along her lips before entering her mouth to seek her own. Swirling and wrestling against her tongue as their lips mold against each other, she felt so good, and she tasted so divine it was hard for him to break free from the kiss. He felt her arms wrapped around his neck as he parted from the kiss, licking along her luscious lips playfully. "Say it. I want to hear it from your lips.."

Raven felt like her body was on fire when his lips found hers. It was so easy for him to make her distracted, how he takes control of the situation made her swoon during the kiss. Her body reacted instinctively, kissing him with passion before he pulled back, she was breathing slowly, feeling slightly dizzy from the intensity of the kiss. She couldn't help but to blush once more as she listened to his coaxing words. "Yes, Damian Al-Ghul. It is an honor to be your wife.." She mumbled shyly as he stared at her. Making sure that he heard it right. His lips curled into a smile before he hugged her tightly, burying her face against her neck. Who would've thought that the woman that he adored for so long, will finally become his wife? It was a chance that he decided to take when he knew she was coming for him, and he was ecstatic knowing that he could finally make his own wish come true. The worst thing that could happen was either one of them would be dead, though he was glad that wasn't the case.  He made the right decision to just keep quiet and not make any move at all, and now he literally has her, in his arms. His soon to be wife. The woman that has been occupying the throne of his heart for so long, he could finally express himself without having to worry about her reactions. At least now he knows, it wasn't just him. The thought of it made his eyes welled with tears, and he tightened the grip of the hug a bit more.

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