Chapter 3

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"Wow that's really cool, what year are you in?" I say while packing up my bag.

"Ohh Umm it's my first year." He says while still running his hands threw his thick hair.

"Well I gotta head out, it was nice to meet you Robin." I say and really mean it. I do hope that I see him again next week.
Just before I turn around the corner of the main building I hear the squeaking sound of sneaker smacking against the tiles behind me and I suddenly feel someone's hand softly touching my elbow. When I spin around I'm relieved to see Robins standing behind me.

"Thank goodness it was you, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I say with a little to much emotion in my tone. Shit, he's staring at me uhh
wait can he read my mind?

We stand in silence for a few more seconds when he let's out a nervous laugh.

"Ooh sorry Mischa, I didn't have a chance to get your number." He says with nervousness and a hint of excitement behind those chocolate brown eyes.

"Ohh um yeah,I guess not." I say with a nervous giggle, the corners of his lips tug up and a huge warm smile spreads to his eyes and I soon find that I'm smiling too.

We exchange numbers and he walks me to my car. We say goodbye and he agrees to message me later. Did I just successfully get a guys number?

I immediately call Michelle only to find her voicemail, she's probably at one of her shoots. She's been getting more modeling gigs lately and I can't say that I judge her, she is really stunning,she has shoulder length blond hair that falls down next to her face in beautiful thick waves,she also has gorgeous dark blue eyes and she's skinny, but not as skinny as me. I've always been a stick figure compared to Michelle.

I'm also a blond but my hair is straight and falls down past my shoulders. I'm quite short and I've had a really flat chest since I can remember. My eyes are a hazelnut green and I've always had freckles all over my face. I make a mental note to call Michelle later and tell her about Robin. It would be nice to have new friend to go along with a new start.

Soon I find myself driving down the freeway screaming the lyrics to Adel's new song while moving my hips and tapping my fingers on the wheel. I haven't been this happy since London's passing, and I hope I can keep this cheerful mood up till I get home.

As I pull up into my usual parking spot in front of my apartment I am suddenly aware that it's Wednesday which means it's Thursday tomorrow and I have no classes on Thursdays. As I stride into my apartment I notice two wine bottles standing on my counter. I'm slightly confused for a moment before I realize that my mom came over earlier today to drop of some of the cloths I forgot at home when I was visiting last weekend.

She did tell me that she had gotten the bottles as a present from one of her coworkers who new she didn't drink, but gave them to her anyway. I quickly text my mom to confirm that she had given the bottles to me and sure enough they were mine.

So it was decided, I would stay in tonight with a hole season of Vampire Diaries and two bottles of wine.

I take a quick shower and hurry to the kitchen to get a glass of the 'Holy juice', as my dad started calling it after my aunt drank herself parallactic on the stuff at my uncles wedding in the church. I swiftly pour the cherry red liquid into the tall stemmed glass and bring it to my lips. The lukewarm liquid tastes like apple juice at first, but the after taste is heavenly.

It's only later, when I'm lying in a puddle of my own tears on the woven carpet of my small living room that I realize I've already finished the bottle.

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