Chapter 1

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I walked down the crowded hallway, my arms clutching desperately at my giant stack of books as I weaved through the crowed hall.  A hand grasped my shoulder, turning me around roughly and slapping the pile of books from my arms. The hand shoved me up against the hard metal of a locker, pain erupting at the back of my head.
“Long time no see, right slut?” Finn Beckham’s husky voice asked
I let out a little whimper as the he slammed my face into the locker. I felt my hot blood trickle down my cheek as Finn laughed.
“Aww is poor Aria scared? Whats wrong fat bitch? Dropped your books?” his voice said
He flung me to the floor and kicked my chest, his ripped alpha frame more than enough to break my ribs.
“Nice one Finn” Kyle Rider, the next beta said.
I opened my eyes and to see Finn Beckham, the next alpha of my pack, standing over me, laughing next to his girlfriend Brittany Moore, the next gamma or third in command, not that the slut deserved it, Kyle Rider the next beta and the rest of the popular kids in my pack, all laughing and stepping on my books, ripping them and flinging them across the hall. Finn gave me one last kick in the ribs, I could hear them cracking, and him and his group walked away to their next class. My breath was fast, the white-hot pain coming from my broken ribs almost more than I could bear. I felt another hand on my shoulder, and I stiffened, causing another round of pain from my chest and head.
“Shhh” the person said, turning me over gently. I looked up into the concerned face of my only friend, Simon Aldair. Simons eyes glinted through his glasses as he looked at my cut face. Simon touched my cut cheek, and I nearly screamed, biting my lip so hard that blood came pouring out of my lip.
“Sorry Ari” Simon breathed, “What else did they do?”
“My ribs, I think Finn broke most of them, my lip is cut, my cheek is cut, and my head is pounding like you wouldn’t believe” I said through gritted teeth.
Simon lifted me up with his lanky arms, and carried me bridal style to the girls bathroom.    I clutched his neck because we were both taller than anyone else in the school, even the alpha-to-be and beta-to-be, so if we fell, it would be a very long way down. Ever since my parents and his parents died, we’d been beaten and we learned to look after one another.
“Let’s clean you up before your wolf starts to heal itself.” Simon said
He kicked open the obnoxious pink door and set me on the table with the sinks. He dampened a piece of paper and started dabbing at my cheek and lip which were already healing. He worked in silence until the paper was dripping with my blood.
“Come on Ari, school’s over. Lets go home” Simon said
I hopped down, still unsteady on my feet, and Simon put his arm around me.
Hurry up omega’s, you need to prepare for alpha-son Finn’s and gamma-daughter Brittany’s mating ceremony tonight. The voice of our beta, Jack Ryder commanded through our mind-link. We sighed, and continued walking out of the school and down towards the pack house.
You see, in the Fire Thorn pack, when we turn 16, we find out who our mate is, and take our full role in the pack with our mate. The higher you are in the pack, the more lavish your mating party will be. The mating party or ceremony as Beta called it, is where all of the eligible wolves come and the wolf of honor finds out who’s his mate. We all dress up, and at the party, the wolf takes in all of the scents present and finds his mates scent.   There, the Alpha will bind the two into the and they will seal it with their mark. In other words, the  Alpha gives them romma, the mark of pack acceptance, telling the world that they are Fire Thorn wolves, and the pair bite each others wrist, marking them as their own. Since there is two mating ceremonies tonight, we the omega’s need to work extra hard so the Alpha is impressed and won’t punish us. We made it back to the pack house, my ribs not broken anymore but bruised badly. We went into our cramped shared room in the mansion, and flopped down on the bed.
Hurry up you pathetic omega’s Beta Jack snarled
We groaned and pushed ourselves out of our bed.
“I wish we could shift. Then they wouldn’t treat us like this.” I said
Simon looked at me startled.
“Be quiet Aria. You don’t know who’s listening! Besides, you know why we can’t” he whisper-shouted
I nodded, and we walked out of the room, cleaning up the house and keeping out of the way. 2 hours later and we headed back to our room to go shower and change.
“Who do you think will be their mates?” I asked Simon as he changed into jeans
“I don’t care. They should be each others mates, black hearts are complimented by bitchy ones.”
I nodded and looked at the mirror. I was wearing a strapless turquoise dress with gold heels and blue, gold, and brown bracelets. I covered up my slight acne with foundation, and curled my hair. My green eyes were glowing from the ringlets of brown hair, and I smiled slightly.
“Shall we go?” Simon’s voice said, interrupting me
He was wearing jeans and a collared t-shirt, his black hair unruly, his black eyes still covered with glasses. Our pack doesn't believe that the omega’s deserve anything special like new clothes or contacts. We heard the pounding music coming from downstairs and we headed down to the party. Everyone was partying and me and Simon stood on the edge until Simon went to go get us some punch. I stood in the corner all alone until Finn Beckham walked up to me, his eyes filled with lust until he saw who was before him. His lust quickly turned to anger, and he slapped me across the cheek, sending sparks and pain throughout my face. His hands clamped on my throat and he growled.
“You are not my mate, Aria Willows. You are a stupid, fat, ugly whore who’s parents chose to die rather than to be with you. You will never be my mate. I reject you”
Tears sprung in my eyes as he threw me to the floor. I heard a commotion by the punch table, where Brittany seemed to have done the same thing to Simon, throwing him into the punch table. Finn and Brittany’s eyes found each other, and a cruel smile played on their lips. They grabbed each others hands and declared
“We are mates”
My wolf howled in anger at this slut as the alpha gave them romma and they marked each other. An indescribable pain radiated from my heart, penetrating my entire body. I gasped, trying to get to my feet, to run away from the pain. At the punch table, Simon was doing the same thing, one hand clutching his chest. We ran up to our rooms and collapsed by each other, tears streaming in a never ending river across our faces. I was the first to gain my voice back from the pain.
“Simon” I gasped
“We need to leave”
Simon looked at me, his glasses had fallen off and his eyes were red and swollen. He nodded. We jumped up and ran around the room, throwing off our clothes and changing into jeans and t-shirts. I threw open a drawer to reveal two knifes, each point long and tapering, coated with silver runes. The hilts were worn but the blade gleamed in the little light our room provided. Our watcher, deceased Nalana had given them to us before she passed, without telling the rest of the pack. The knifes were extremely powerful but only to the person they were given to, meaning they wouldn’t work if anyone else tried to use them.
“Here... Simon” I said, handing him the knife
He nodded, tears still flowing from his eyes.
“One...more thing” he gasped
“Give...up...the pack”
I nodded. If a wolf left the pack, they could be traced because of the mind-link they had. By doing a ritual, you could lose all bonds you have with the pack, making you truly escape. I grasped Simons hand, and our hoarse voices chanted,
“The Fire Thorn pack has left us. It broke the oldwolf law. They wounded us, and now are no longer fit to be pack. We leave the pack, wash away all traces of them upon our fur, and protect us from their eyes. We leave the pack”
A cold wind wrapped around us as the mark of pack left us.
“Come on Simon. Let’s go”


Hey guys. This is my first werewolf story, so please don't be mad at me if it sucks. Also, can you please read it and tell me what I can do to make it better, leave comments and votes and things. I really want to continue this story, and can you guys help me out by reading it and giving me constructive critisisim? Please????? Mahalos


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