Chapter 5

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Aria's P.O.V

I opened the large door, and headed into the kitchen, Simon following closely behind. As soon as we stepped onto the marble floor, everyone turned to look at us. I felt my skin grow hot at the attention of the others, and I noticed that most of them have amber or gold eyes like Haven and Rain. 

"Over here Simon, Aria. Come and get some food" Kaetlynn called out from across the room, where a giant platter of food was waited next to neatly stacked plates. I smiled gratefully at her and we made our way over to the food.

"It's enchilada's, made by the best chef in the fucking world Em" Kaetlynn said, while shovelling the cheesy goodness into her mouth. I love Mexican food, and anything with cheese. I heaped my plate with food and scanned the room for a place to sit.

"Aria, Simon over here!" a girls voice called out from the corner of the room

We walked over to the beckoning shape of a tall, 6'4, extremely thin girl. She smiled at us, her light periwinkle blue eyes glowing from high cheekbones in her pale bony face. Her face was framed in red curls, glowing slightly in the lights. She looked more like a crane than a wolf to be honest. She kicked the seats next to her, causing it's occupants, two boys, to fall flat on their butts.

"What the hell Bird!" they whined

"We have company losers, and they needed your seats" she said

The boys looked up, giving Simon and me a once over. They were twins, both had dark skin with chocolate eyes. They have raven hair, one had it cut short, and the other had it messy and wavy. They were around 6'1, the normal  height for a littlewolf alpha, and they were ripped. I blushed as they looked at me, and the wavy haired boy was staring at me with some foreign emotion in his eyes. The girl, Bird, smiled at us and gestured for us to sit down.

"Hello! My name is Ameila, but everyone calls me Bird" she said. Her voice was light and sweet.

"Why do they call you Bird?" Simon asked

"Well, I don't usually run on the ground like other wolves. I run through the trees, kinda like those sissy-ass "vampires" in Twilight. Naw, I am way cooler. I am of the Sky Line Bloodlines, so I am more comfortably closer to the sky. That's why I am on sentry a lot. I sit in a tree with my bow and look for littlewolves. That's why I am called the bird of death"

The bird of death. What a fucking messed up name.

"This is Jake" Bird said, pointing at the twin with the short hair, who smiled and gave a fake bow. Bird kicked him and he fell flat on his face with a loud oomphhh.

"And this is James" Bird said, pointing to the shaggy haired one. When I looked at him, it was like everything else melted away, leaving only me and him. My heart felt warm and strong, and his eyes, his chocolate eyes staring into my soul. Kaala howled in joy, and said one word, putting a fuck load of emotion into that one word.


Sorry it's so short, I just wanted to give you guys something and not have it riding on me for another day. :)

Hope you all like it,


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