Chapter 3

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Kaetlynn's P.O.V

I smelt the blood before I could see them. Two wolves, one black as night the other as white as snow. They were almost my size, giants compared to the normal wolves. The white one, a girl, was lying down, blood matting her fur on her flank. Her breath was coming in gasps, and the black one, a boy, was sniffing the wound and whining quietly. What were they doing on in my territory? And why was there six dead wolves around them? I stepped out of the forest, my paws crossing the grass silently. The black wolf noticed my smell, and his eyes whipped towards mine, his body crouched protectively around the white one. His eyes were unnerving, a glowing silver, stark contrast against his midnight fur. I noticed the bloodstains on his muzzle and growled back. He looked at me, then at the white wolf and whined.

Help them Kaetlynn. They are special my wolf Kaera told me

Will they attack me?

Probably not. The male is just protecting his friend

I shifted, my beautiful golden brown wolf shifting into my tall, thin human form.

"Shift" I commanded

The black wolf crouched lower to the ground, his fangs bared.

I sighed. "I just want to help her. Shift"

The black wolf cocked his head to the side, his silver eyes looking me over. He shifted, becoming a thin, black haired boy with black eyes and tattered clothes. A silver knife hung from a sheath hanging from his neck. He was tall, smaller than me though, around 6'2, his face looked as if the skin was just barley covering his bones. There were bruises and cuts across his face and arms, and he had the look of a person who had lost the will to survive.

"Help" he said. His voice was deep with a quiet power. It sent shivers down my spine.

I walked over to the wolf and knelt besides her.

"First, we need to get some things cleared up. One, what is your names. Two, why is she injured and there are six dead wolves lying here. And three, why are you on my land?"

The boy bowed his head, like a broken omega.

"My name is Simon Aldair. This is my calabash-sister Aria Willows. We were attacked by these wolves and we fought them, killing them, but one sneaked up on Aria and raked his claws into her side." Tears were flowing silently down his face, but he continued, "We are here because we left our pack. Our mates rejected us and mated in front of us just because we were the omega's so we ran away. We just couldn't take it there anymore" he said quietly

"Okay. My name is Kaetlynn. What pack were you originally from?"

Hatred flashed in Simon's dark eyes.

"The Fire Thorn Pack" he growled

I frowned. The Fire Thorn Pack was known for its size and lack of empathy.

"Well, I am going to take you to my pack to get Aria healed up. You carry her and follow behind me."

Simon nodded, lifted Aria up gently. I shifted, and started walking back towards home. We walked for a while, until I spotted the familiar cave up ahead. I quickened my pace and called out through mind-link.

ASTRID! I shouted

Dude what the hell! I was frickin sleeping! came Astrids grumpy reply

I brought two wolves home with me, and one needs your help


I rolled my eyes and called out to the pack, telling them to get their butts out to the meeting room.

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