Today's the Day

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So these past couple of weeks have been interesting. I've gotten a boyfriend, became a princess and got harassed over
Let's start with Jordan Combs. Jordan is my boyfriend of almost 3 weeks. He's super sweet,wonderful and most importantly,accepts me for who I am(which is pretty cool). He's 2 years older than me,and people judge me for that. Which sucks because he's 16 and I'm 14,and it's really not weird. But my actual friends were freaking out at first (which was ok and normal),but they accept him because they realize that he's a good kid. But everyone else thinks it's weird and freaks out. But whatever, I like hi and he likes me so there.
Next, the day I became a princess. It was Halloween and my friend Emalee and I were princess because we had to make a lot minute costume. We literally made our costumes at 6:45 and we left the house around 7:30,so we win at super fast,super cute costumes.
Last thing for today was getting harassed over For y'all who don't know, is an anonymous question asking website thing. Anyways last night, someone told me that my boyfriend asked some girl for nudes. And I kid you not, I flipped out and almost cried,but I got myself together and figured that if he did,I would dump his sorry ass. But then again, I knew that wouldn't do anything to hurt me.
So that's all for today loves, more to come :)

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