yoyleland bonding

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i started the van and started to drive to yoyleland. it was pretty quiet in the van until coiny spoke up. "so, what are you hoping happens when we start sailing?" he looked out the window.
"well, uh, i'm not sure. i do hope we actually find good treasure!" i answered.
"like treasure as in money, diamonds, and ect? or like treasure to remember the adventure you went through to get it?" he asked.
"hm.. for the last part, do you mean like we went on some great adventure, and we end up getting something... worn out or something, for example.. maybe a scarf, but see it as treasure because of what we went through to get it?" i asked, making what he said seem like a way more complicated question than what it actually was.
coiny laughed and said, "yeah, pin."
"well, then, i'd have to go with both! or either, i really don't mind." i said as we started to get closer to yoyle city. "how about you?" i glanced over at coiny before looking back at the road.
"me? um," coiny thought for a minute. "i hope that... hmmm.... i hope that we can fight something cool, like a giant monster! oh! what if we come across that one sea monster that sometimes shows up while during bfdi? i would beat the heck out of it!" coiny started punching the air as if he was fighting something.

i laughed at coiny's silliness. that's what i love about coiny, he's silly and fun to be around, he is also thoughtful. that's why he's my best friend! "i wonder if we'll meet anyone during our pirate trip." coiny said. "oh, i hope so! it'd be nice to have new friends." i said. we finally made it to yoyle city, now we're getting closer to the part of yoyleland with the most and best yoyle berries. "oh my mint, i forgot just how big yoyle city was." coiny said looking at the scenery around us. "yeah it's pretty big, i wonder what happened to it for it to become abandoned." i looked around while still keeping my eyes on the road. "yeah, me too." coiny stated.


i was having trouble thinking of topics to talk about while in the van. i decided to turn on the radio to fill in the silence, but what came on was some song that sounded like it was made for teenage girls that played REALLY loud. it scared both me and pin, causing her to swerve a little. "WOAH, WHAT IS THAT?!" pin shouted trying to make her voice heard over the radio. i turned down the volume to a reasonable level where we can hear eachother. "i had no idea that it'd be so loud! what is even playing?" i asked. i looked at the name of the song that was playing on the van's screen. i laughed a little and said, "it's made by somebody called 'naily polish,' huh, sounds like something edgy teens would listen to." pin looked at the screen then back at the road. "oh, i've heard her songs before, yeah i'm pretty sure edgy teens are who listens to her the most but i think a lot of people listen to her so it's not too hard to think that freesmart would listen to her too." pin explained.

we were starting to get close to where the yoyle berries grow. "i wonder if we'll encounter any other pirates when we go." i said.
" yeah that'd be cool!"
"maybe we would have to fight them!" i pretended i had a sword and that i was swinging it at someone, resulting in pin laughing. i always love making pin laugh, it just makes me the littlest bit happier.


coiny was fidgeting around with stuff in the van to see if there was anything interesting, as i was guessing he was bored. "oh, look," coiny pulled sunglasses out from under the backseat and put them on. "i found sunglasses." i laughed when i looked at him because the sunglasses he was wearing were stylish and nothing i'd expect coiny to wear, plus they really didn't fit him. "i'm going to go into the back to see if there's anything else." he took off his seatbelt and climbed into the back of the van. "coiny, come back up here and buckle back up, i don't want you getting hurt, plus we shouldn't be messing with their stuff." i yelled. "calm it, pin, it'll be fine." coiny said while messing through their stuff. i looked back at what he was doing. "coiny, seriously, come back up here!" coiny looked up at me then yelled, "PIN, STOP!" while pointing at the road in front of me. i looked back at the road and saw i was about to ram into a sign. "AH!" i slammed on the brakes right before i hit it. "WOAH-" coiny flew right into the seat in front of him.

"oh my pin factory, coiny are you okay?!" i parked the van where we were, unbuckled myself and climbed into the backseat. i grabbed coiny and sat him into the seat next to him. "yeah, i'm fine, it didn't hurt... but i did break the glasses." coiny held up the glasses that he had been wearing. "coiny, i told you to come back to the front seat!" i punched him in the arm. "ow!" he laughed and said, "sorry pin, i'll listen next time." i laughed and said, "well, we're here according to that sign i almost crashed into." i said pointing at the sign. he looked at it. "well, it's about time, let's go!" he said and jumped out of the van. i got out of the van with the basket that i brought with me to collect the yoyle berries in.

we walked up to a yoyle berry bush and picked a few of the berries and put them in the basket. "oh! i just thought about this, what if when we go back into yoyle city we pick up some supplies to use during our pirate trip?" coiny said while he picked berries. "that's a good idea, coiny, we should." i said while also picking berries. coiny leaned against a bush, smugly. "of course it's a good idea, i'm the one who thought of it!" coiny said proudly. i laughed as i put a berry that i picked in the basket. "says the one who unbuckled, climbed into the back of the van, and face planted into one of the seats." i responded. "you got me there." i laughed at his response and continued picking berries.

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