ship shenanigans

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watching coiny chase firey around was funny, especially since coiny was blushing so much! when i looked back at pin, she just looked very flustered. "FIREY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH Y-" coiny tripped on a loose piece of wood on the floor, "WOAH!" he fell down. a few of us snickered as coiny got back up. firey ran into the boy's bunks and slammed the door shut while laughing. coiny went to the door and tried to open it. when he couldn't open it she started banging on the door. "firey open up the gosh darn door!" he yelled. "never!" firey said behind the door. coiny continues to try and open the door until pin shouted, "coiny, it doesn't matter!" with an awkward laugh at the end. "fine! you win this time, firey!" coiny yelled. he put his eyepatch down over his eye and walked back to pin. she gave him his map and he looked at it.

firey came out of the room and laughed. "that was actually kinda fun." he said. "i still think that was kinda dumb." needle said. of course she finds it dumb, she has a crush on coiny! "leafy, i know what you're thinking, i don't have a crush on coiny!" she defended herself. "then why's it dumb?" i laughed. she sighed angrily. "leafy, look at them." she pointed at coiny and pin. i looked over at them. "they're acting awkward around each other now." she pointed out. they DID look awkward around each other. "can we get back to the game, it's my turn now!" firey said. "oh, sure! okay guys, let's go back over there." i pointed to where we were before and we went over there.


it's been awhile after what firey said happened, maybe an hour or so. i tried to think about anything other than what he said but my mind kept going back to hearing, 'you two look like a cute couple.' plus, coiny and i haven't really been talking to each other since he said that. i was starting to get uncomfortable with the awkwardness radiating from both of us. "uh, do you want to... take a break? i-i have been steering this boat for what feels like forever and i'm starting to get hungry." i said awkwardly. "oh, uh, sure i wouldn't mind a break, my legs are tired from standing so long, anyway." he replied just as awkwardly. "okay then, uh," i turned to everyone to shout that we'll be taking a break, but i saw that they were looking up at the sails while cheering. everyone except... i looked up and saw that leafy was climbing up the mast. "wH-" i ran down to where everyone was at. "LEAFY, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" i shouted. she looked down at me. "hi pin!" she shouted while still trying to climb. "get back down here, what are you doing?!" i said. "needle dared leafy to climb up there." firey said. "firey!" needle punched firey's arm which he replied with, "ow!"
"w-WHY??" i asked. "they're playing truth or dare." snowball said then went back to cheering for leafy to climb higher with the others. "guys stop!" i yell then look at leafy. "leafy, come back down here before you get hurt!" i yell. "relax, pin! i'll be fine!" she yelled back. she climbed a bit higher. everyone started to cheer louder. "haha! i told you i could do it, needle!" leafy yelled. just then, a gust of wind blew a bit strongly. "wOAH!" leafy yelled before getting blown away in the wind. everyone stopped cheering. her eyepatch flew off of her and fell near the edge of the boat. ruby went over to where the eyepatch was falling and JUST caught it.

i ran to the edge of the boat and looked at leafy, who landed in the water. i had a sigh of a relief that she wasn't too far away. just then, leafy got ripped apart by one of the piranha like fishes. we all just stared at where she was just at. then firey chuckled a little. "i remember when blocky got bit by one of those and almost got eaten by one of those sea monsters." firey said. i sighed and walked over to the hand powered recovery center. i put in leafy's name and cranked the lever. she came out and looked around. "i told you, leafy." i said. she just laughed and shrugged. then she felt for her eyepatch. "oh no! did i lose my eyepatch!" she said. "no, i have it!" ruby said and gave her the eyepatch. "what about your hook?" i said. "oh, i needed to hold onto it so she could climb up there." needle said and gave leafy her hook. leafy put on her hook then looked at me. "pin, if you're here who's steering the ship?" she asked. then i realized that i never ended up stopping the boat. i panicked for a second before i heard, "don't worry, i handled it!" i turned around and saw coiny dropping the anchor from the side of the boat.


"thank you coiny, i completely forgot about stopping the boat!" pin said walking over to him. "wait why are we stopping the boat? we're still in the middle of the ocean." flower said. "oh yeah, well.. coiny and i decided we wanted a break, since i'm hungry and coiny's legs are tired." pin said. "yeah, i'm gonna go sit down." coiny walked next to the stairs and sat down. pin walked into the kitchen. i suddenly had the best idea. i walked over to ruby. "ruby, you know what we should do?" i said quietly so only she could hear me. "omg, i already know this has something to do with coiny and pin, tell me!" she said quietly back. "yeah, since they're on break, we should make them realize they like each other! it's painfully obvious but i can tell they don't see it yet." i say, looking at pin coming out of the kitchen with a snack then at coiny who was sitting on the stairs. "i'm totally in! what should we do?" ruby asked. i looked over at them. pin was next to coiny now, probably so he wouldn't be sitting over there alone. i thought about what we could do. they were talking with each other and stood up. coiny looked at the map again and pin looked with him, also holding the map. i wonder why they were standing, since coiny wanted to sit. "hmm... ruby hold this real quick." i gave ruby my hook, since i needed to use both of my hands. i put my hands in front of me and put them in an L shape, i put my right hand on top making a square shape. i looked at coiny and pin through my hands. i suddenly knew what our plan should be.

//a/n: i just wanted to say that i didn't know what the L shape hand thing was called and google was no help. but it's what leafy is doing in the cover image. thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! -sam//

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