Pirate Shopping

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Coiny and I were still picking berries. There were a lot and we probably needed a lot because we don't know how long we are going to be on this trip and if we run out of any other food we could always use the yoyle berries. "This basket is starting to get heavy." I complained. "I'll carry it for you!" Coiny grabbed the basket but his arms proved useless as it fell downwards. He grunted as the basket hit the ground, some berries falling out of it. "I didn't realize it was going to be THAT heavy." Coiny said, picking up the berries that fell out. I giggled and helped him pick them up. "It's fine, I can carry it." I set my berries in the basket and Coiny did the same. I picked up the basket again. "I probably should've brought more baskets." I said.

A lightbulb seemed to appear above Coiny's head. "Oh! When I was messing around in the back on the van, I saw some stuff that looks pretty good at carrying things!" He put the yoyle berries that he just picked in my basket and ran back to the Freensmart Super Van. I set the basket down and watched what he was doing.


I ran and opened the back of the van and looked through the stuff I was messing with before. I found two big cases that were carrying a ton of makeup. "Wh- They don't even wear- Whatever." I mumbled to myself. I proceeded to take out the makeup, and then went back over to pin. "I got more things to carry yoyle berries in!" I said, a proud smile on my face. Pin stared at the makeup cases then asked, "Did those have anything in it before you took them out?" She looked back up at me, a suspicious look in her eye. "Pffft, no," I lied, "They were empty when i found them." Pin seemed to shrug it off. She picked some yoyle berries and put them into the cases. I sighed in relief and proceeded to continue picking berries.


After we we filled all the baskets we put them in the back of the van. Which is when I saw a bunch of makeup on the floor of it. I gave a look to Coiny, whom was putting the last basket into the van. "What's with all this makeup? Does.. Freesmart wear makeup?" Coiny looked a bit nervous at my question. "Oh, I just knocked something over when I got the containers so that's probably what it's from." He then rushed into the front of the van, sat in the front passenger seat, and buckled himself. I was confused at his urgency. But I just shrugged it off as him being his weird silly self and closed the back doors. Then, I walked up to the drivers seat and got in, buckling up.

I started the van and started to drive. " So, where are you hoping to go to get our supplies?" I asked Coiny. "Uh, I don't know a lot of the places here so let's just look for stores and hope for the best." Coiny replied. "Yeah, I don't know a lot of the places here either. I guess that'll work." I spoke, looking around at all the places we could stop. Coiny was looking around too. "OMM! That's perfect, Pin stop!" I did as he said. " You found a place?" He nodded, "Yeah, we just passed a costume shop, there's bound to be pirate stuff in there!" Coiny pointed at the costume shop just behind us. I thought it was perfect too, so I properly parked the van and we got out.


We walked in and looked around at all of the costumes. They were all worn out and dusty, this place was abandoned like the rest of the city so it made sense. "We should probably split up and look for the pirate stuff." Pin suggested. "Sure, that'll work." I agreed, so we split up. I looked around at all of the neat costumes. There were some neat monster costumes i wanted to try on. But I shouldn't goof off, I need to look for pirate stuff. I continued looking around in the back of the store, and finally found what we wanted. It was a jackpot of all pirate things. There were hats and hooks and swords, all of it! "Pin! I found it!" I shouted. I didn't get a response from her. "Pin?" I shouted again to see if she heard me. This was making me nervous, so I started to walk down one of the aisles to look for her. Suddenly, something pops up out of nowhere in front of me with a loud, "BOO!" Causing me to scream and fall backwards. the mysterious figure started to laugh and that's when I realize it was Pin in a ghost costume. "Pin! That wasn't fun-" But before I could even finish my sentence I started laughing. "Pin stop laughing, you're making me laugh!" I yell. It took her a minute to be able to speak because of how hard she was laughing. "I-I'm sorry, it was just so funny!" She took off her costume and laughed some more, basically rolling in the floor in tears. I rolled my eyes with a grin, then stood up. "Well, I found some pirate stuff over here." I walk over to it, Pin slowly following me, wiping a tear away now that she was done with her laughing fit.

"Look at these hooks!" I say as I place one on my hand. It has a little handle inside to hold onto, that way it doesn't fall off. "Wow, this stuff looks like it's in such good condition despite being in an old rundown store." Pin said, looking through the items. "Yeah, I know, I thought the same thing! The swords and hooks seem to be real too, which is strange for a consume store, but it's convenient for us." I say as I poked the tip of the hook on my hand. Sharp. I decided to look around a little more and saw a mannequin off to the side with an eyepatch and a pirate hat on top. I took off the somewhat dusty pirate hat and placed it on Pin's crookedly. Probably not the most convenient way to wear it, but I didn't want to break it on her point. "I feel like you'll be a great captain!" I say, looking at her proudly. "Captain?! You think I'll be captain of the ship?" She said, a bit befuddled, and taking off the pirate hat and holding it in both her hands. "Yeah, you're the one who came up with the idea! I feel like that means you should be the captain!" I say, now looking through some old boxes. "I don't know, I mean, you were technically the one who came up with the idea." She told me. I looked at her again. "Pin, I was just joking around. You came up with the actual idea." I tell her. "I guess that's true." she said, rubbing the hat with her thumbs thoughtfully.


I cant believe coiny wants me to be captain! Well, I can, but still. I don't know if I should. "There are tons of eyepatches over here, I'm gonna take these."Coiny said as he picked up a box of eyepatches. I placed the pirate hat into the box. I then saw some of the swords Coiny mentioned earlier on the floor, so I picked them up. Then, I look at Coiny, whom also seemed to have grabbed more pirate hooks. "I still think it funny how the swords and hooks seem to be real instead of fake like how it usually is at costume stores." Coiny said, once again poking one of the hooks he was holding, testing it again to see if maybe the last time was his imagination. I looked down at the swords I was holding and said, "yeah it's weird but it works."

"Is this all we need?" I say after we grabbed a few other things. "Seems good to me!" Coiny said. We started to walk out of the costume store, but then Coiny suddenly stopped. I look back at him. "Is something wrong, why'd you stop walking?" I asked. "We need a map! Here, take this to the van for me!" He gave me all the stuff he was carrying. I was holding a lot of things and I almost dropped some of it while bringing it to the van, but I managed. I wiped some sweat off my face as coiny came out of the store, now with a map. I walked up to him. "Coiny, you do realize this is a costume store and that there probably aren't any real maps in there." I raise my brow. He rubbed the back of his head. "I know, but since there were real swords and hooks I thought maybe there might be a real map in there too, and there is!" Coiny held up the map excitedly before dragging me to the front of the van and slamming it down on the hood. "See! It shows all of Goiky and it shows some other islands on it too! Those islands should be where we go while on the trip!" Coiny said pointing at one of the islands on the map. I chuckle, "Well, okay then. So, now are we ready to go?" He nodded, "yep!" Then folded the map and went into the passenger seat of the van. I climbed into the drivers seat and started the van. We are almost ready to actually start our adventure.

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