Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

It wasn't easy being Mr. Jeon's assistant. "Mr. Jeon? I'm done with m-". He pointed on a paper batch, while he was reading a book. I was tired but needed to do this. I went back and sat on my chair.

After a while, my friend Yuna came and watched me. "Well, y/n. Is he happy?", she asked. "I want to be his girlfriend so bad. I need to tell him, but.. do you think he has one?"I smiled and wrote something down and said: "He's not saying much. Just points on things and so on. He is not really happy I think and I don't know if he has a girlfriend, Yuna."

Then Mr Jeon opened the door looked at Yuna. "Mrs.Min? What are you doing here? I think you have work to do!" Yuna looked embarrassed, nodded and went back to her office. Mr.Jeon turned to me and said: "Mrs.Kim, you can go home now. I'll see you tomorrow."

Then he was gone. I sighed and smiled. 'Go home and watch a movie', I thought and nodded. I cleared my desk and went to my car.

At home, I ordered pizza, which came 30 minutes later.

Jungkook pov

I was sitting in his office and reading some documents. Suddenly my phone rang. It was my mum. "Eomma?". "My son! How are you? How is work?", mum asked. I was surprised that she called for something like that. There must be something else.

"I'm Fine, Eomma. Why did you call me?" My mother said really excited:" It's your brother's birthday in 2 days. I want you to come to Busan. There will be a big Party!" I sighed. 'I can't', I thought but could not say no.

"Should I bring something?" She laughed and I could see the smirk through the phone. "Well, kookie. I want you to bring your girlfriend!

Last week you told us you have one." I was shocked because I didn't know what to do. I gathered all my courage and said: "Eomma, I'll come with her. See you in 2 days!"

Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction and I hope you like it. English is NOT my mother tongue, so I apologize for the mistakes in advance! :)

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