Chapter 2

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Hi, my name is Clark Kent and I am the Alpha of the Green Moon pack I have a girlfriend named Lana We've been dating for 4 years I know she's not my mate but I haven't found mine yet so, for now, Lana will have to do.

Oliver Queen is my best friend since we were in diapers plus he's my beta.

Oliver walked up to Clark

Oliver: hey have you seen Laurel

Clark: no I haven't had you seen Lana

Oliver: no sorry buddy

Clark: Let's check their room

As they were walking they heard moaning and guys voices.

(Clark and Oliver wolves) Jake and Jay: Those Sluts at least they're not our mates

Clark kicked the door open. Both girls and guys looked over in fear.

Oliver: Well, well four years Laurel and you cheat on me

Laurel: Oliver I can explain

Clark: same goes for you Lana

Lana: Clark it's not.

Clark: just leave it, Lana

Oliver: Tommy you can have Laurel

he stormed out

Clark: Whitney have fun with Lana

and headed out towards the door.

Clark: Oliver wait I'm hurt just as you are but look on the bright side were both single and can find our mates let's head to school now and find them.

They arrived at school

Oliver: you smell that Clark

Clark: I do

Mates! Said, Jake, and Jay?

Clark:  They're on their way to an empty room lets go

Clark and Oliver walked in the only empty classroom

Olive: quick hide their coming

Barry and felicity walked in Clark looked at Oliver or more like Jay who took over who is staring at the blonde girl Mine whispered Jay.

Clark looked at the tiny omega his eyes were changing colors Mine whispered Jake.

They both turned back to normal

Oliver: I gotta get out of here Clark otherwise I'm gonna jumped my mate

Clark: can't believe your my beta and not strong to keep your cool

Oliver: shut up

Clark chuckles

Clark: Fine see you later

Oliver nods and quietly left the classroom

Felicity: ok Barry spill

Barry started crying and he hugged felicity

Jake growled! Mine

Clark: shut up Jake or they'll hear us

Jake: no one touches mate but us

Felicity: Take your time bear

Barry: Troy he, he

Clark was holding back his wolf cause he was growing and wanting to come out to tear apart who hurt their mate

Felicity: what did your bastard of foster dad do to you.

Barry: He tied me up put a rag in my mouth and blindfolded me then he raped me I told him to stop and that I was supposed to wait for my mate but he didn't care and he gave me lots of hickeys and he told me that since he's not a werewolf that these hickeys are his mark and he also told me that my body and myself is his. Then he did it again in the shower and now when I do find my mate he'll reject me that's what Troy said to me.

Jake was whining and growling at the same time 

Jake: wanna hug mate gonna kill that monster

Clark: I know me too buddy, but we have to keep our cool cause it seems like his foster dad is human

Barry was a sobbing mess. Barry kept hugging his friend.

Felicity: Hey, hey Barry look at me

Barry looks up at his friend

Felicity: I may be human but what I do know is that when your mate finds you he'll accept you, hold you and keep you safe, and if not I'll take away his baby maker

Barry giggled and smiled

Clark covered his front and had a smile on his face

Felicity: Come bear-bear lets head to class now.

So they both headed out of the empty classroom

                         Clark's and Jake's thoughts 💭

Don't worry little one we'll protect you now no one is ever gonna touch you again.

Clark makes sure the ghost is clear and leaves the classroom in silence.

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