Chapter 10

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Felicity: where do we start

Clark: I don't know

Peter: let's just start going into the woods we'll go in pairs

Terry and Luke, Oliver and felicity, and Clark you can come with me and Chris.

Chris hugs peter with tears coming down his face

Peter kisses his head and says

Peter: don't worry love we'll find them

Chris nods his head

Clark: everybody ready

Everybody: YES!

Jake: aren't you forgetting something

Clark: sorry Jake I forgot

Jake: whatever let's just go and get mate

Everyone left to go find clues


Barry starts waking up and groans and then he hears crying so he looks to his right and he sees a little boy hugging another little boy

Barry gets up and says

Barry: who are are you guys

The bigger kid puts on a brave face and puts his little brother behind him

Barry: it's ok I won't hurt you I promise can I please know your names so I can help us escape.

Kyle: my n-name is K-Kyle I'm 7 and this is my little brother Tommy he's 5. The bad bad man took us away from our daddy and papa the man did something bad to daddy and he made us watch it was weird

Barry walks up to the kids and hugs them and says

Barry: Shh Shh it's ok little ones I'm gonna help you ok

The boys nod their head and then all of a sudden the door swings open

Barry puts the boys behind him and they both hug Barry

Troy: give me the bigger kid I want some fun I want to do what I did to his daddy

Barry: you raped there dad didn't you

Troy: yes and I wouldn't take it back either

Barry: please Troy their kids don't hurt them there innocent

Troy: your right Barry what was I thinking I would never hurt our kids

Barry: there not our kids they belong to someone else

Troy: well baby I was gonna surprise you but might as well tell you now. You see I can't get you pregnant because I'm human and only your mate can get you pregnant so I decided to have us adopt these kids and I already signed papers and had someone forged your name so that makes them ours

The boys start crying.

Barry: your crazy Troy that is the stupidest thing you ever did

Troy goes up to Barry and grabs him by the neck

Troy: boys if you excuse us papa has to teach daddy a lesson

Troy leaves the room with Barry and locks the doors and poor Barry can hear the boys cry

Troy and Barry enters a room and Troy locks the door behind them

Barry charged at Troy but sadly misses

Troy grabs Barry and puts him on the bed and ties his hands to the headboard


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