chapter 1= the accident

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In a small apartment in NYC is an grumpy 17 year old Laurie with her 8 year old twin brothers.

"Leave me alone for a while, OK. I have to work on something important." Laurie said.

"ooooohhhhh come on!!!! You NEVER spent time with us anymore. You are always spending your time in the lad." Skip said overdramatic .

"We miss you Laurie." Hiro said after uncomfortable silence.

"Come on you guys. This is for your own good. We will do something after this OK." Laurie said with a tired sigh.

"uuuuhhhh OK." they both said and exit the room sadly.

"OK now back to work." said Laurie to herself. 

Laurie was working on a antiHulkvaccination. She is tired of being a rage monster and would do ANYTHING to get rid of it. She knew exactly who her parents are and want nothing to do with them. She just wanna live a life like a normale teenager and this monter that she is hiding for years now. Right now she is doing the last test to make sure that this is going to work. She is going to inject herself with the antiHulkvaccination. She is scared, because She don't know for 100% that is going to work, but she's is doing it anyway. 

She has her injection ready with shuffling hands and say to herself "Nothing's go's wrong, just stay calm and relex."

"1....2....3..........." and the niddle is in her arm. She is injecting herself with the antivaccin. It burnd in her skin. If felt like her skin is burning of. But then her eyes is dark green. Not the green she's used to. then she terned into Lyra but in a complete rampage. Normely she can contole Lyra a bit but now she's 10 times as strong and fast. She burds through the wall and went right away in the big city. People were screaming out of fear. The police was shooting at Lyra. Lyra roard back and threw a police car through the city. Little time later Lyra had a bog part of city destroyed. She left this city by a big jump and no one has seen her since. 

Few minutes later in the avenders base

"uuhh Bruce look at this." Wanda maximoff said. She looking over the TV and saw something interesting on the news. 

Bruce came in the room with some tacos. He take one look on the screen and his eyes spung wide open. He couldn't believe what he saw. He saw something just like his old self. 1000 questions popd into his head. Could that be his d... no it cant be. 

"Bruce are you ok?"Wanda said.

"We need to find her" said Bruce trying to stay calm.

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