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"Good evening Mr and Mrs Aphrodite

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"Good evening Mr and Mrs Aphrodite. Oh and Helena, lovely to see you! You get more beautiful every time we see you." Narcissa Malfoy welcomes the family inside of the fancy restaurant. "Thank you Mrs Malfoy." Helena shakes her hand with a firm grip. "Oh please, call me Narcissa."

The guards look after the carriage as the family enter.

Pictures of old, ancient people were painted on the walls of the restaurant

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Pictures of old, ancient people were painted on the walls of the restaurant. Patterns of squares, circles and triangles plaited up the beautiful curtains. The view of Nice from the windows were stunning! A smell of French food and French music were all you could take in.

The two families sat down on a table. Queen Brigitta was at the top of the table and King Edward was as the other end of the table. Narcissa and Lucius sat next to each other which means Helena and Draco were.

"So. Good evening." Lucius smiles a fake smile, it was definitely fake you could see it in his crystal stormy eyes. "Good evening."

"Edward and I wanted to know your opinion on this." Brigitta was going to mention the new school issue.  "As you may all know, my daughter here got expelled from Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic and I wanted to know if Hogwarts is the right place to put her." Eyes were all on Helena who went bright red. "In my opinion your majesty, Hogwarts is the right place. We have so many opportunities and she will also have some friends there." Draco suggests to the Queen, Helena blushes.

It's been a secret for a while now, Helena has had a huge crush on Draco ever since the Tri Wizard Tournament. She hasn't crushed on him since they met when they were eleven, older Draco was 'hotter'.

"Draco's right I feel

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"Draco's right I feel. I can't imagine putting her in any other place where she doesn't know people. Besides, I went to Hogwarts." King Edward speaks up, he doesn't usually get a say in any of these things since it's the Queen's duty.

Everyone agreed with Hogwarts, Brigitta sat at the table thinking about this- many thoughts were twirling into her head. What if she pays for Helena to go back to Beauxbatons?

"May I speak my opinion mother? I think I should be attending Hogwarts, I might have to fly over to Britain but we have enough money! Please mother, I have Draco." Brigitta wasn't convinced. "What about Fleur? Miss Delacour will be upset if I don't pay for you to go back to Beauxbatons."

"Let the girl go to Hogwarts. She shouldn't care about her friends' feelings more than her own. So what if Delacour misses her? People are dying, get over it." Lucius try's to get involved, he's rooting for Draco to marry a pure-blood and Helena sure is- Hogwarts will get the two closer. "Now Lucius, don't disrespect Mrs Aphrodite's opinion."

"For heavens sake Narcissa. Call me Brigitta. And you Lucius, you're making the situation worse so I demand you out!" The waiters had a confused look painted on their face, were they supposed to be escorting Lucius out over a school they didn't even know about? "Get him out!"

Food came whizzing out, smells of spices and delight filled their noses- Lucius was allowed in for the meal...

"Sorry Draco, I haven't talked to you properly

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"Sorry Draco, I haven't talked to you properly. How are you, is everything okay?" Helena asks Draco out of worry, he hasn't been being his normal self, he has a look of hurt in his eyes which are normally glowing. His skin is pale, too pale than what it normally is. "Yes Helena. I'm alright, are you?" His mood changes, his voice gets sadder.

"Talk to me outside." She takes his hand, Helena knows what's wrong- she's highly intelligent. "I know you're not right. You'd normally be bossing me around, Draco I know you." She holds his hands tight before he can get out of her grip.

"Helena. I'm fine, you're overreacting. Stop being so annoying, for Merlin's sake." Brigitta bursts outside in anger. "You forgot your table manners! You never leave the table without permission from me!"

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