Chapter 3|New Hope for the Outlanders

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Damian is 10years old
Y/n is 8 years old 

(Lion form)
In the Outlands.
Mara is tugging on a root, growling. Athanasia approaches from behind.
"{muttering to herself} Damian, Damian, Damian. Ras wasn't even his father. He just took him in. {she turns her attention to Mara} Oh hey, Mara. Where's the little termite, Damian? {sarcastically} The "chosen one"."
Athanasia touches the root with a claw; it snaps, and Mara tumbles backward. Athanasia guffaws.
"Athanasia ! Where's Damian? Did you leave him out there on his own again?"
"Hey-- it's every human for themselves out here. That little termite's gotta learn to be on his own."
Athanasia is is ridden with flys land I gotta her and flying around her. She is continually scratching her arms.
"Mother's gonna be mad. She told you to watch him!"
"Oh, who cares? I should've been the chosen one. {she begins scratching her arms against the tree trunk} I'm the oldest, I'm the strongest, I'm the smartest-- Ooogh! These flys {she starts rolling around, scratching every place she can find on her body}
Mara looks self-satisfied at Athanasia's condition.
"{scooting along on her rear so she could get closer to Mara}I could be a leader, if she'd just give me a chance!"
"Yeah right. Why don't you tell that to her?"
"Yeah? Don't think I won't!"
"Oh yeah? {chuckles} Here's your chance."
Tali walks slowly by Athanasia , carrying Damian in her mouth. She ignores Athanasia entirely.
"What? Oh... Mother! Mother, hi! {laughs nervously} Mother, I caught some field mice for your dinner, I left 'em by the, um... by the... okay."
Talia drops Damian to the floor just before transforming back into a human.
Mara pounces next to Damian.
"Hey, Damian. You wanna... fight? {She mock-snarls; he looks earnest.}"
"{turning to Athanasia , who becomes visibly frightened} You were supposed to be watching him!"
"It's not his fault! I went off on my own!" Damian said trying to defend his older sister.
Talia turns on Damian, backing him along the ground with her words.
"What were you doing?" She asked.
"N-nothing!" He answered back quickly.
"Who has made us Outsiders?" She questioned.
"F/n!" He shouted
"Who killed Ras?" She questioned again.
"F/n!" As he answered the same answer as before.
"And what have I told you about them?" She interrogated.
"Sorry, mother! ...Sh-she didn't seem so bad. I thought we could be--" he commented while stuttering in shame.
"Friends? You thought you'd get to the daughter. And F/n would welcome you with open arms? What an idea! ... {she reconsiders} What an idea! You brilliant child-- I'm so proud of you! {She kneads the frightened Damian with unsheathed claws} You have the same conniving mind that made Ras so... powerful."
Talia glares and snarls at Athanasia , then picks up Damian . She carries him into a cave, as Athanasia glowers.
"{disgustedly} Ugh. The "chosen one"."
Talia carries Damian into their "den", and deposits him in a hollow tree trunk; he lands with a grunt.
"I now see the path to our glorious return to power!"
"But I don't want--"
"Hush! Hush, my little one. You must be exhausted."

[ My Lullaby ]

TALIA: Sleep, my little Damian
Let your dreams take wing
One day when you're big and strong
You will be a king

Talia tucks Damian in.

Damian: Good night...

TALIA: Good night, my little prince. Tomorrow, your training intensifies.

Talia's tried to dance the same scene as Ras did in his song "be prepared". She leaps up onto rocks and by beating up on Athanasia. Lionesses leap as she musters her forces.

TALIA: I've been exiled, persucuted
Left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did
I get a little tense

But I dream a dream so pretty
That I don't feel so depressed
'Cause it soothes my inner kitty
And it helps me get some rest

The sound of F/n's dying gasp
His daughter squealing in my grasp
His lionesses' mournful cry
That's my lullaby

Now the past I've tried forgetting
And my foes I could forgive
Trouble is, I knows it's petty
But I hate to let them live

ATHANASIA : So you found yourself somebody who'd chase F/n up a tree

TALIA: Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me

The melody of angry growls
A counterpoint of painful howls
A symphony of death, oh my!
That's my lullaby

Ras is gone... but Talia's still around
To love this little lad
Till he learns to be a killer
With a lust for being bad!

ATHANASIA : Sleep, ya little termite!
Uh-- I mean, precious little thing!
MARA: One day when you're big and strong
TALIA: You will be a king!

The pounding of the drums of war
The thrill of Damian's mighty roar

ATHANASIA: The joy of vengeance
MARA: Testify!
TALIA: I can hear the cheering
ATHANASIA and MARA: Damian! What a guy!

TALIA: Payback time is nearing
And then our flag will fly
Against a blood-red sky
That's my lullaby!

She goes back down to Damian's bed and sees his sleeping and then walked out of his room ready to go to bed herself.

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