We have been fighting now for 5 months.
It has been bloody many warriors have died in battle and went on to Valhalla. With each day we come one step closer to the Siege of Horoadalr. My men grow more eager with each village we ransack. Jarl Hackett’s army has been attacking all of the villages to the east and south of Horoadalr and we’ve been attacking all of the villages to the north and west of Horoadalr. Last we heard Jarl Hackett is ready and waiting for us at a small village not far from Horoadalr. We are attacking the last village tomorrow. It should be easy just as the rest.
“Having trouble sleeping brother? We have a big day tomorrow and we will need you to lead us through it.” Said Thorsten. “Yes I know brother… Im eager for the last raid before the Siege on Horoadalr” Said Ulfbjorn. “Brother are you sure we can win this war? King Bardsson’s army is very large and has many trained warriors.” Said Thorsten. “By ourselves no… but with the aid of Jarl Hackett we have a chance. Our soldiers would destroy them in a equal fight but all of their men at once… We stand no chance” Said Ulfbjorn. “Well brother we shall let the gods decide our fate.” Said Thorsten. “Agreed brother” Said Ulfborn.
The next day Ulfbjorn’s army stormed through the last village and proceeded on their way to meet Jarl Hackett’s army. “Well men there is Jarl Hackett’s men...Lets walk over and plan our attack” Said Ulfbjorn. “Hello Ulfbjorn… It's been ages since we last saw each other... “ Said Jarl Hackett. “Yes it has… Enough of the small talk… How do you think we should attack Horoadlr?” Said Ulfbjorn. “I’ve sent scouts ahead to see what we’re up against. We shall wait and see what happens.” Said Jarl Hacket. “Okay as of right now we shall rest and prepare for battle.” Said Ulfbjorn. “Agreed... “ Said Jarl Hackett.
“Ulfbjorn! Wake up! The scouts have returned with news!” Said Thorsten. “Thank you for waking me brother.” Said Ulfbjorn. Ulfbjorn stumbles outside to hear very good news. “King Bardsson’s army is not aware of our presence! They are not ready for our attack. If we sneak around to the back of the village we can capture their longhouse” Said One of the Scouts. “This is great we must attack tonight!” Said Jarl Hackett. “May the gods watch over us! ” Said Thorsten.
“Jarl Ulfbjorn and a few of his men will sneak around to the back end of the town, they will sneak into the barracks and will quietly take out as many guards as possible and then disappear into the shadows, lastly they will return to us for the main assault on the town.” Said Jarl Hackett. “Thorsten, Borgar, and Kalf… Let's go.” Said Ulfbjorn. Borgar and Kalf are brothers who are some of the finest warriors of our lands. They lost both their father and mother due to a slaughter of their home village during a harsh winter. No one escaped but the two boys. They wandered through the woods looking for food and shelter. They eventually saw a deer and somehow managed to take it out. The two boys built a fire and kept warm with the hide of the deer they killed. They eventually made it to our village. They stayed with one of the village elders. He taught them how to farm and how to fight. As they grew older they grew stronger, wiser, and more fierce.
“Psssss…. Borgar take out that guard.” Said Ulfborn. Borgar nods in agreement then proceeds to silently grab the guard and snaps his neck. Ulfborn motions for them to follow. Thorsten taps Ulfbjorn and points towards what looks to be the barracks. The barracks had two guards standing on each side of the door. If they were not killed quietly the whole raid would fail. “Thorsten go around the left and get ready to kill that guard. Kalf sneak over there and take out the other guard on my go.” Said Ulfbjorn. Thorsten and Kalf get into place. Ulfbjorn nods signaling for them to kill the guards. At the same time Kalf and Thorsten swiftly kill the guards and drag their bodies away. “Ulfbjorn look” Said Borgar. A drunk guard stumbles out of the barracks. “He's walking straight towards Thorsten… If he spots Thorsten he will alarm the others” Said Borgar. Ulfborn darts towards the guard quietly. He then covers the guards mouth and stabs him right through the back of his head killing him instantly. “ That was close” Whispers Ulfbjorn. The four then sneak into the barracks and kill 12 guards silently. After that they sneak back out to meet the rest of the men.
“Jarl Ulfbjorn how many guards did you guys kill? Said Jarl Hackett. “We managed to kill 16 guards.” Said Ulfbjorn. “Good job… Let's begin our attack” Said Jarl Hackett. Both of the armies rushed towards Horoadalr. The clanging of the metal from the swords and axes could be heard from a long ways away. You could smell death in the air. This battle will be spoken of for many years to come. Jarl Ulfbjorns army had the task of getting to the longhouse to kill King Bardsson and his guards while Jarl Hacketts men rush through the village and slaughter anyone they come across.
“Lets go men! We have to get to the longhouse! Roars Ulfbjorn to his men. They fought their way through to the longhouse killing all in their path. Once they made it Ulfbjorn ordered Thorsten, Borgar, and Kalf to assist him in killing the king and his guards while the rest of his men guards the front door. The four broke down the door and readied their weapons. 6 guards ran towards them only and they were immediately killed by the four men. Ulfbjorn and the other stormed towards King Bardsson and his 3 remaining guards. “Ah so it was true… The great Jarl Ulfbjorn… The man who slayed Jarl Alfi… And now the man being used as a puppet by Jarl Hackett…” Said King Bardsson. “ Now is not the time for talk old man… It is the time for war!” Said Ulfborn. The men ran towards each other fighting to the death. At the end of the fight the only people to be alive were Thorsten, Borgar, Kalf, and Ulfbjorn.
Ulfbjorn stands still covered in blood. He grabs the Kings head and cuts it from the neck. Ulfbjorn and his men emerge from the longhouse. “ WE HAVE KILLED THE KING!!!” Screams Ulfborn. A loud roar comes from both the armies. “EVERYONE GATHER AROUND!!!” Said Ulfbjorn. Ulfbjorn notices that Jarl Hacketts numbers were cut in half. “Men surround Jarl Hackett and his men!” commands Ulfbjorn. “WHAT IS THIS! WE HAD DEAL!” Said Jarl Hackett. “ We did… And deals are meant to be broken…If any of the men under Jarl Hacketts command would like to join my army drop your shield and weapons and walk over there.” Said Ulfbjorn. About 15 men drop their weapons and shields and walk over to where Jarl Ulfbjorn said. “ Kill them.” Ulfbjorn commands. His soldiers kill the rest of Jarl Hacketts army leaving him alive. Jarl Ulfbjorn walks up to the bruised and battered Jarl Hackett and with one swift move of his sword Ulfbjorn chops into Hacketts head splitting it in half. “ LONG LIVE KING ULFBJORN” The warriors chant.