The Rumor-(Chapter 3)

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"Who are you and what are you doing here??!!" said ???

That voice I sounded familiar but I can't pinpoint who it is..? I thought.

Both Skylar and Maddie went towards the door and realized that Jason was punched and fell to the ground.

Skylar looked up and saw Mark. Her eyes filled with rage and fire.

"What are you doing here?? Didn't I tell you we were over!!" Sky said trying to keep calm.

"Well I'm here to talk. And who is this ?? Huh!! Who is he?!?" He said in a angry tone.

"Talk??" She said letting out a small chuckle,"You're here to talk!! About what that you're sorry and that you didn't mean it?!! Yeah right and why do you care who he is!! You have nothing to do with me so leave!!"

"You know what I will leave! I thought you'd give me a second chance but no you won't because you're dumb and pathetic!!" Mark yelled.

"You thought I'd give you a second chance when I've given you many!! Wow you're right I guess I am dumb and pathetic at least for being with you and forgiving you many times!.."Skylar said as tears ran down her face.

She slammed the door in his face.

She slid down the down
to the floor as she let her tears flow down.

" I don't wanna see him anymore but I can't.. he goes to my school. Ughhhhh I'm so dumb for even liking him." she thought.

She stopped thinking as her friends were asking if she was okay.

" Hey you okay??" Maddie asked worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine just stressed.." Sky responded.

"That's good that you're okay." Jason said.

Skylar turned towards Jason realizing he had a bloody lip and a bruised cheek.

"OH MY GOD!! Are you okay??" She quickly asked him as she and Maddie rushed over to him.

"Yeah I'm good" Jason responded quickly.

"Hmmmm sure...let me at least put medicine on the cut okay??"Maddie said.

After that Maddie and Jason stayed the night at Sky's house.

*Time Skip*
*To School*

They made it to school on time but all dreaded it.

As the were walking trough the hallway they noticed that people were staring at Skylar.

The most popular girl in school Britney walked over to them.

"Wow who ever thought Kim
Skylar to be a two faced cheater."Britney said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"W-what do you mean??"Skylar said in a low scared tone.

"You can't even speak"she chuckled, "Just see for your self!"

She shoved her phone in Skylar's face.

Sky quickly read it.

" Who knew the quiet one would be a two faced :
Kim Skylar cheated on Mark Lee
Totally a game changer.....
Poor Mark he deserves better...Kim Skylar is so pathetic...She's a loser,stupid,an idiot.."Skylar read everything she started tear up a ran to the bathroom.

She knew exactly who do this.

Sky washed her faced and went to go to find one of Mark's friends,Jake.

Skylar knew that Jake had to do this because he hung around Mark the most so it had to be him.

As Skylar was looking she saw Mark,Britney,and Jake talking so she hid.

"Thanks Jake..."Mark said

"No problem dude.."Jake said.

"So was this your plan to have Skylar take the blame so she could come back to you..?" Britney asked.

"Yeah it sounds stupid but she's dumb enough to come back to me even though she knows I'm gonna use her."Mark said in a boastful way.

Skylar heard everything and walked up to them.

"Do you really think I'd go back with a jerk like you?? I mean you even use your friends to get back at people and you call me pathetic!!Yeah right!"Skylar had said.

She slapped Mark and left all of them shocked by her actions. After she walked back with her friends.

~Time Skip~
~To End of School~

"Hey do you guys wanna go get some boba?!?"Maddie said in an excited tone.

"Sure" Jason responded.

"Yup!!" Sky cheered.

After they got to the boba place Skylar ordered strawberry mango tea with boba while Jason gotta a watermelon smoothie with boba and Maddie got chai tea with boba.

"Hey after you guys wanna go to the mall" Maddie asked.

"Yeah!!"Jason exclaimed

"Sorry guys I can't but you guys go ahead I have to go bye..."Skylar said while looking at her phone and waving bye.

Skylar's P.O.V.

Ughhh great they're coming home now.We'll see if they tell the truth. See if they tell me why.Hopefully things don't go down from here.
Skylar thought as she was running home.
Hello sorry for being so late on writing I hope you enjoyed the chapter I'll try to start writing more . Also I'm going to be putting pictures of the characters so you can have a visual of how they look like.Bye~A

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