Falling Figure

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It is early morning as Frisk looks out the window in Toriel's kitchen waiting for breckfast to finish cooking. Alphys and Undying were in the living room watching a new anime Called Fairytail. Asgore was tending to some flowers with Asriel and Chara ( Yes they are alive because I say so) they were just waiting on the two skella bros to arive from there house in snowdin. They were all the way in new home so unless Sans used an infamous " short cut" it would take a while or Papyrus picks up Sans and runs. Frisk was intrupted from her toughts by Toriel asking her a question.
" Frisk can you go get Asriel and Chara and tell them to come and eat please?"
Frisk has never been one to talk all that much so she just nodded and lept from her spot on the chair and began to walk to the flower room.

Once Frisk made it to the flower room she picked up a stick and whacked it on a stone to get the three's atention to goat and one human faced her.
" Food" is all that was need'ed to be said before the three got up and began to folow Frisk back to the Kitchen for brakefast.
The three washed up after they received " Mom glare TM" from Toriel.
Frisk, Asriel, and Chara were talking well more like Asriel and Chara talked Frisk mainly listen and gave humms of acknowledgement.
A couple of minuts after they had finished eating and Toriel was cleaning the dishes there was a knock at the door. Asriel got up and walked to the door and opend it to find to skelatons. One was tall and had on a red long sleeved shirt with black pants and red boots. That is Papyrus. The smaller one was wereing a baggy plain white t-shirt with a blue hoodi that had a bit of white furr aroun the rimm of the hood tied around his waist , he had in black sweat pans with white stripes going down the sides his shoes were blue high tops with the laces double knotted. (Probly Papyrus making sure he woulnt have to force his brother not to be lazy and retie them if they untied.) This skelaton was Sans.

" Hey Sans ans Papyruse glad to see you could make it"
Papyrus replied mwith lots of enthusiasm " GLAD WE COULD TINY ASGORE CLONE!!"
" Heh no problemo fluffy kiddo"
They walked into the living room were every ine elce was aprt from Toriel, Sans instantly walked to the couch and ploped down closing his eye sockets, Papyrus jus sight at his lazy brothers antics and sat down beside Undying and Alphys watching the anime with them. "Hey Sansy"
" Sup kiddo 2"
Frisk patted his head Sans barly opend an eye socket and said " Kiddo 1" with a slight nodd of his skull." So what are we doing today " Questioned Sans.
" We are going on a hike to the top of the underground cliffs at the edge of the underground." Chara replied with a mouthfull of chocolat that Papyeprus always brings here when the bros visit.
Sans sweat dropeped. Movement yay. Eh he'll just get Papy to carry him.
" Hello Sans ans Papyrus glad you could make it" Said Toriel coming out of the kitchen drying her hands(paws?) On a towel.
Everyone just quietly sniggerd thats why they love Papyrus he still has troubles telling the Dreemur family apert apart from Chara who he calls "green sweater Frisk/ Human " every one finds it adorable.
" Well is every one done getting ready for our hike?" Toriel asked.
Everyone was wering some sort of appropriate hiking gear. Every one had on proper shoes ( no slipers Sans) and pants and hats ( except the skelatons because they dont really need them.) Every one had a bag with them that had either a sweater or rain coat or both and some water and some emergancy medical supplies encase anyone got hurt.
When everyone nodded Toriel said " Great let us go then." And everyone got up and walked out the door tand began to make their ways to the underground clifs to hike up. Now these cliffs weren't really "cliffs" but they were really steep hills with lots of magic trees and cave and creveces in them to explore and every monster went atleast once a year because it was always fun.
On the way every one was walking, laughing and having an allround good time. Once the reached the cliffs they started to climb and surprisingly Sans was faring well with the climb. As they were climbing everything was allround normal but as Sans look around it looked as if leaves on the trees were moving slowere than they sould so he stopped. Sans was still looking at a tree when everone noticed he was gone they were unable to see himpast some of the trees and fearing that he had passed out or fallen asleep due to exhaustion and began to head back to find him. What they wern't expecting was to see him just standing there staring at a tree.
After a few moments of silents Undying asked " Yo uh Sans you allright there?"
Sans did not answer and only continued staring with a blank look on his face his pupils were gone from his eye sockets aswell. Frisk knew something was up because his pupils only disapeard when he was either " Dead serious" or using Intense magic. Frisk slightly shudderd at the last one because of... well you know why. " Brother are you alright?"
Now if no one was worried before they were now because Papyrus was never quiet NEVER. All Sans did was move closer to the tree staring closer at the leaves. Toriel was about to go up to Sans when all of a sudden there was a flash and things spead up then slowed down a bunch befor stopping then returning to normal. Sans eye flashed dangerously but knly Frisk and Chara noriced bringing back memories for Frisk and Chara.( No one else knows how powerful Sans is they just think he can telaport and do very simple bone atacks like only using one at a time simple.) when all of a sudden there was a loud bang and then nothing. Everyone was looking around Sans eye Flashing again and Undying with a spear in each hand and Asgore with his trident and Toriel with flames in her hand with the kids behind her. When Frisk looked up she saw A figure falling from the Sky. She quiqkley walked over to Sans and tuged on his arm and pointed to the sky when Sans looked up he had just enough time to telaport and catch the falling figure before it hit the ground. After he cought the falling figure he telaported back to the group. He layed the figure on the ground se he and everyone else could get a good look and what they saw made everyone gasp. There was a small skelaton wereing a blue hoodie with fluff aroun the rim of the hood black pants and blue high tops there were also black and blue gogles on hs head and black fingerless gloves on his hands. But that is not what shocked the what did was the fact that the skelaton looked just like a kid verson of Sans.
" Sans why dose he look just like you?"

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