A Promise for the Future

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Walking behind Kibutsuji, you couldn't help but stare up at his back in a sense of awe.

It had been about a year since he had taken you in, and slaughtered your parents and brother, though you seldom thought of that part anymore. You were 8 now.

Things with Ayano eventually settled down, and gradually she became less mousey around you, raising her eyes to meet your own and holding normal conversations with you. You never questioned her about what happened before, feeling that it perhaps wasn't your place just yet.

Instead you focused on your studies. Each and every day you learned countless new things, in the hopes of impressing Muzan. He had instructed several of his more humanly appearing demons to tend to you and teach you, each an expert in their own subject. You had worked hard and progressed quickly, showing a love for the arts at an early age. You were terrible at painting or drawing, as any eight year old would be, but you could point out nearly any painting they showed you in a book and ramble off the artist and their inspiration.

Kibutsuji couldn't help but feel the need to reward you, to finally remove you from his mansion and take you to a proper art museum. You were growing so quickly before his eyes, already coming up to his waist with bright, e/c hues that looked at him so innocently and admiringly. There was never an ounce of fear in those eyes, yet you lovingly and loyally obeyed all his commands, and were the one thing to occasionally even exceed his highly set expectations.

And he had never experienced such a feeling in his 1,000 years of life.

Of course, sparring your life and taking you in had been on a whim, due to your good taste in recognizing he was a superior being, a god from another world. But the look you gave him never change nor faultered, despite him killing both your parents, your brother, and having accidentally witnessed him killing a lower demon in the mansion.

You remained faithful and loving, and Kibutsuji wondered how, and why.

Perhaps it was the blood he had forced down your mother's throat; it had taken some affect on you, that was something he could tell from the very first time he saw you. You had an elegance to you, even at the age you were then, that no mere human could obtain. But still, you weren't quite demon. Had he created a half breed?

It was a question he wasn't sure he'd ever get a proper answer to, but somehow he was okay with it.

A soft grunt sounded in Kibutsuji's ears, and he turned around to see you in all fours, your head hung low. He frowned, his plum red eyes finding a grown man looking down at you with a scowl.

"Watch where you're going, little girl," he scoffed, before turning his nose into the air and moving to walk away. Kibutsuji's hand came down on the man's shoulder, and you raised your head to look up at both of them, tears in the corners of your eyes from scuffing your knees.

"Apologize," he commanded, his eyebrows furrowed and his gaze daunting. The man's face contorted, his cheeks dusted light pink. His breath reached Kibutsuji, and he smelled the scent of sake heavy on his tongue.

"Piss off, she's old enough to know to stay out of an adults way," he bit back. Kibutsuji's eyes widened, enraged by the man's boldness to disobey his commands. Veins in his forehead protruded, and he truly contemplated murdering the man in the middle of the street, but a small sniffle from you drew his attention, having sat back on your heels to look at your scraped knees under the hem of your own dirty dress.

"You'll regret that," Kibutsuji simply stated, and the man only grunted and began walking away. He glanced up into the sky above a building, and a lower demon nodded at him, beginning to trail the man wordlessly. Once he knew the man would soon be disposed of, Kibutsuji straightened his jacket by grabbing the lapels, and kneeled down before you, assessing your condition.

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