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chapter forty

 · ̊ * 🔭chapter forty

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After Si-Hyuk politely asked the girl to leave his office, so that he can discuss it with the group, all of the members grew loud and threw questions into the room as if to bombard him

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After Si-Hyuk politely asked the girl to leave his office, so that he can discuss it with the group, all of the members grew loud and threw questions into the room as if to bombard him.

"What do you mean we're getting a new member?" asks Jimin in a slightly raised tone, eyes widened in horror. "It's already 2015!"

Seokjin sighs, and then adds in a much more calm voice, "PD-nim, we don't even know her. How is she supposed to harmonize with us when she missed those two years?"

Si-Hyuk cuts all of their thoughts and opinions off. "Silence," he says, and everyone obeys while bowing apologetically.

"First of all, it's not even official yet if she'll be another member," the manager clears up, causing the group to sigh in relief. "But you guys haven't had a success, and as you said, it's already 2015!"

"But we're working on it!" declares Namjoon, desperate and hopeless. "You just have to trust us. Our comeback will be something more fresh and way better!"

Nodding, Si-Hyuk states, "I do trust you guys. It's just that she could bring more achievement into the group."

There's an unusual silence after their manager had finished his sentence. Si-Hyuk's mouth turns downward as he notices their frightened faces, mumbling, "She isn't in the group yet, guys. It's not official, and I'm still thinking about it. She's just here to train right now."

"Will she be living with us?" questions Jeongguk, his voice small and slightly terrified.

"Well, she does not have a house in Seoul," states Si-Hyuk, rubbing his yes tiredly. "I would be glad and thankful if you accept her in yours because, otherwise, she'd have to live in the practice room."

As Yoongi mumbles, "She can live with us," all heads turn to him in a questionary behavior, wondering why he'd obey, even though they don't want to. "We were once broke and homeless too, okay? Stop acting like non-empathetic sociopaths."

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