Chapter 13

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Luke's P.O.V (an:yaass)

(before the shot like the part when she asks him if hes alright)

"Yeah I'm fine" i let out a silent laugh. she turns around, noticing cops coming towards us. i turn my head the other way, trying to adjust my position, when i see that the man got up. he lips towards his van and pulls out something metallic and makes his way towards Callie.

"Luke baby (an: or babe id remember lol) the cops are coming you'll be alright" behind her the man points the gun towards her head.

behind you i mouthed, trying to be as subtle as possible. she turned around and the last thing i saw was her crippled body on the floor, surrounded in a pool of blood. i scream sitting up ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach and scream.

"you bastard!" 

"this wasn't worth the money" then he drove away. fuck he got away. i scramble towards Callie and feel around her frail body, in search for a pulse any pulse. i find one and my heart lifts 

"i take her head in my lap and take her hands in mine. 

"Your going to be fine Callie. Pull through for CeCe, Calum, Michael, and as much as it pains me to say this, pull through for Ashton too. but id be a lost boy withought you." i kissed her forehead. a wave of blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy. 

"Callie, i love you" then i was out


oh gawd i need a break this it too cute 

im gunna resume now



i wake up in a white walled room with balloons tied to the edge of the bed. i try to sit up and wince.

looking down at my stomach there's  large white surgical tape wrapped around my torso.

"callie?" i groan. i hear chairs squeak oh the tile ground

"Luke? oi? you okay mate?" i see Calum and Michael appear next to me.

"Yeah im fine just a bit sore. where's Callie?" 

Calum and Michael look at eachother 

"you dont remember anything do ya mate?" Michael said. 

the doors opened again, revealing Catherine, holding a bag of Mcdonalds and a cupholder full of coffee.

"ight guys you all have been here since Luke and Callie arrived so michael you can have a monster since you dont drink coffee, Calum i got you a viente mocha frap, and i get a white chocolate latte. i also brought you guy maccas cause im pretty sure yall are starving." she handed out all of the food and turned to look at me.

"LUKEY YOUR AWAKKEEE!" she ran over and gave me a hug.

"yeah. im so friggen numb right now."

"oh here." she hands me her latte.

"beats the hospital food." she shrugs. "she walks back over to the other guys.

"hey im gunna go get my hair redone. im kinda suck of my hair. im gunna go galaxy style" she spreads her hands out for emphasis "alright by calum feel better lukatron" 

she waddles over to michael, gives him a hug and kisses him on the cheek

"bye babe" she says, then shes out the door.

i miss when Callie called me babe or baby

I miss her hugs

I miss her kisses

and i miss her cuddles

i miss her everything

"wait guys what happened to her?" 


No ones P.O.V


The ambulance came to the crime scene and transferred the two teens into the hospital.

The doctor dialed the young boys friends Calum and Michael. they rushed in, frantically looking for their best friend and his "girlfriend.

they hear a young boy screaming for the girl, waving his arms, gushing out more blood as he moves. the two gurneys strolled side by side, rolling into separate rooms.

"No Callie don't leave!" he grips onto the girls hand, not getting any reaction

"CALLIE ANSWER ME" he cried out

"CALLIE" he started sobbing uncontrollably as they wheeled the two lovers into separate rooms.

Michael and Calum ran back to the main lobby with tear stained cheeks and waited for the two to come out of the operation.

Michael called Catherine, crying, hoping that she would drive over and comfort him.

Calum called CeCe hiccuping uncontrollably, hoping as well that she would come and comfort the poor kiwi boy.

the two girls arrived, seeing their fragile boys (men) crying. they all cuddled and waited for the results.

the first one done was Callie, so the four friends rose, anxiety rushing into their veins, thinking of the worst case scenario. 

Room 167-892

as soon as calum entered the room, he turned back around bit his fist and started crying hysterically again. CeCe chased after him, mascara running down her face in sight of her baby dying inside.

when Michael saw her oh boy, he didn't move a muscle. his fists balled to his sides, knuckles turning white, but stood there with a blank face.

he treated Callie like a sister. he loved her. he promised to protect her. and he failed. Catherine rubbed his arm soothingly, but getting no response from the green haired boy.

"so *cough cough* kids, your friend here, um, Callie, is as of now in a coma. she was shot in the chest," Catherine then broke, sobbing into Michael's Nirvana tee a.k.a. his pajamas.

"she has a broken wrist, and has fractured her head, but the results are unknown from thereon."

the couple waddled back in to the main lobby just to see a frustrated Calum screaming at a chair how the best people have the worst lives.

Michael tried to tell him the news, but that just resulted of Calum destroying a vase on the main desk.

as the commotion settled, visiting times for luke were open. time for another emotional breakdown.


i legit cried

Catherine enjoy your loving scene with Michael

cece enjoy your moment with calum


did u guys like my chapter spam? i did actually (laughy face emoji)"

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