New Battle

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A child in a purple and blue striped sweater with brown hair and blue pants with an emotionless expression walked down a gold corridor called the judgement hall knife in hand.They were confronted by a short skeleton in a blue jacket with pink sandals.The child had battled this skeleton many times.99 times in fact and this would be their 100th.

"Hello Sans."They said to the skeleton.

"Heya."He replied."I remember them.All of them.All those times you killed all of us in cold blood.Papyrus included.Well I don't know why now of all times but it probably has something to do with this being the 100th time."

"Well then.I guess you've been preparing for this.Getting stronger.Too bad it'll all be in vain."

"Yes I have been preparing.I know I can't beat you currently though.That being said I do still have a plan."

"Whatever this plan of yours may be it's gonna fail.Now enough talk let's begin!"The child pointed their knife towards sans.

"Alright Frisk."Sans summoned a few gaster blasters behind him.

SANS- ATK 6 DEF 5 looks like we finally get something new after killing everyone 99 times =)

Sans blasted the gaster blasters at Frisk.They barely dodged them.They slashed at sans and he dodged.Again.He dodged it again.He turned them blue and hit them against a bone he summoned.He then started throwing them around the judgement hall.He then summoned a bunch of blue and orange bones and threw them at Frisk.They took a few hits but they were alive.They checked their health.They had 1 HP and then immediately looked into their inventory.6 legendary heroes,1 face steak,1 butterscotch pie,2 glamburgers.They ate a glamburger and then resumed attacking.Sans dodged them all and continued shooting gaster blasters.Frisk didn't notice their health was getting low again and attacked.They slashed at him.His eyes grew smaller.They had hit him.He fell to the floor bleeding.

"Sad.I thought you would be more challenging.Oh well."

They noticed that they were still LV 19.They looked back and saw ketchup bottles on the ground.

"Get dunked on."

He proceeded to vaporize Frisk with gaster blasters.They were now standing in front of a black room with 2 big words saying GAME OVER along with some text at the bottom telling them to stay determined.Then someone appeared behind them with brown hair along with a green and yellow striped shirt with pink cheeks and brown pants.

They began to speak to Frisk."You forgot to check your health.You could've survived that."

"Yeah I know Chara."

"Well then you know what to do.Press continue."

Frisk pressed continue as Chara instructed.The battle began again.This time Frisk dodged sans' attack with full health.Sans knowing he would die if he got hit again cranked things up to 10.He turned Frisk yellow and shot bones at them with frisk shooting the bones.Then without warning they turned purple with gaster blasters shooting at them.They struggled jumping from the lines and got injured.Then sans surrounded Frisk with bones and turned them orange.They managed to survive the attack and use a healing item.By now they had 2 legendary heroes and a butterscotch pie.Sans used some more attacks killing Frisk 3 more times.

"I'll have to use my REAL special attack if you survive this next attack." Sans said with his voice trembling."So you better just give up now."

Sans then used his next attack which started with Frisk having a shield blocking bones and gaster blasters.Then he summoned bone zones out of nowhere killing Frisk.

"Did you hear his voice when he talked about that real special attack?"Chara said."His voice was trembling.He was bluffing.The attack that just killed you is his last one.

"Yeah I heard and I agree."

"So I guess the end is near."

Frisk continued.This time they dodged the bone zones.Then he shot bones of white,blue and orange at Frisk.They barely survived it.Sans then used gaster blasters turning Frisk into many heart colors.After about 10 tries they passed it.

Sans began to speak now being tired."I'm sure you've guessed by now that I was bluffing before.So go ahead.Kill me again.For the 100th time.After killing all my loved ones and everyone else in the underground.Kill us like we're just game characters with no feelings at all.We're just playthings.We don't get to choose our fate you just get to do whatever you want right?Kill us over and over and let us remember.Watching everyone we care about die.Do you know how that feels?Knowing your loved ones are going to die and knowing you can't prevent it."Knowing you'll die over and over again.Tears started dripping from his eyes.

Frisk now had the chance to FIGHT or RESET.

"Sans I never thought about it that way.I just got bored and kept fighting you to get something new hopefully.I didn't think about how you felt.You all felt like toys to me.I took your feelings for granted.I'm sorry I made you go through that."

"Wow.That actually worked.Well I don't forgive you but this is a start I suppose."

"Alright i'll press the reset button now-"

Frisk immediately changed into Chara.Chara had taken over Frisk now and was ready to kill sans.

"Hello.My name is Chara.I'm here to finish what Frisk Started."Chara said.


Before sans could finish Chara pressed FIGHT.Sans was now bleeding for real.He was dying.

"You just don't understand do you sans?You are a toy.I like to play with toys.Toys don't fight back.You smiley trashbag.This just goes to show that no matter how you try to stop me all the inhabitants of the underground will suffer eternally =)."

"Gosh you're worst than Frisk.I wonder why.Maybe it's the way you're dressed."

"Cracking jokes even when you're dying?You really are a smiley trashbag.Now just die already so I can get LV 20."

"Remember what I said before about having a plan though knowing I can't beat you?Well Frisk?"


"Plan A was convincing Frisk to reset.I almost succeeded but then you came.I did have a plan B though.I'm sure you know by now about my secret lab.What I bet you didn't know was that I started a new plan to make an armor capable of flying to the surface.I was gonna make enough for everyone but....they're dead.However I still have one left for me.I'm sure you can understand what i'm getting at now."

"You're joking like usual aren't you.You're so hopeless you're making up lies now.How pitiful."

"Well it really doesn't matter if you believe me or not because i'm gonna do it."

"Well go ahead and do it then."

"Alright fine you caught me.I can't do it."


The whole room flashed white and when it cleared up the judgement hall was destroyed and chara was at 0.01 health.She looked up to see a hole that seemingly went up endlessly with the sun shining through it.Sans made it to the surface.

"I'm gonna murder that irritating bonehead."Chara said brandishing her knife.

She moved forward.

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