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As soon as the 7:00 alarm awakes the whole facility that morning, Marley realizes that there's no way he's going to make it through today. Why? Well, he's pretty sure that there's ice growing inside his body right now. Okay, probably not, but it feels like it.

Rellik better put his stupid heart back in his body real freakin' soon, because Marley's had about enough of this. He rolls over, stretching, and realizes the light's on. Nero takes showers at night, so he's just over there reading. Waiting for their group meeting crap. He also looks kind of tired as well.

The thought of a shower lifts Marley's spirits up quite a bit. The showers here get pretty hot, and he'd honestly take about anything at this point. He'd probably get in a stove to be honest. Marley sits up and walks to his dresser, catching sight of sushi. Actually, when was the last time he fed his fish? He really can't tell. Either way Sushi's swimming around so he certainly isn't dead.

Marley takes the food out puts some into the water. Sushi bites his finger when he comes up to get some of it. It doesn't hurt that much, but it catches him off guard enough for him to mumble a curse. Then, "stupid fish."

He digs around his dresser and finds a t-shirt and some underwear, but otherwise plans to wear the exact same thing he is now. They're the warmest clothes he has and he really doesn't care if it feels sort of gross. That's life.

He takes way too long in the shower. He's in there for at least a half hour. Add all his hygiene stuff he's gotta do after (brush his teeth, floss, wash his face, whatever) and by the time he gets back to his room he's got about ten minutes before he has to be at research. Oh god, and he has to call his mom.

Marley lays on his blankets, bundling himself in them and taking out his phone. He senses Nero across the room and he's pretty sure he's staring at the prince. Marley doesn't want to look up, though.

-Hey, can I call you later?

Cool. That's out of the way.

It's a second later when he hears Nero getting up and slipping on his shoes, before heading towards the door. Marley waits a few seconds before he takes his own leave, shoving some socks up his arms and dragging his blanket with him. He doesn't even care if he gets yelled at, they can pry this blanket from his cold undead sock hands. He meets Leilani outside of the building, and she greets him with;

"What in the world happened to you?"

Honestly, Marley totally forgot about her. He's been so busy thinking about everything going on that his only friend here totally slipped his mind. He can't help but to feel a bit bad about it. "I had to go see Rellik yesterday," he responds.

"It's almost 80 degrees outside," she responds. "You're as white as a sheet, wearing all those layers. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Marley sighs, he's getting pretty sick of people checking on him, alright? He knows he looks like crap, he doesn't need everyone he meets interrogating him on it.

Leilani just gives him a weird look, and looks as though she's about to question him again. Maybe he should tell her. She won't let it go until she gets a solid answer. Here goes. "He took out my heart, though."

They'd started walking at some point during their 30 second conversation. He only becomes aware of that when the girl stops. A questioning peek at her reveals absolute bewilderment. "What."

Marley notices some people passing glances their way as they walk by. They did just stop in the middle of the sidewalk, though, so Marley can't blame them. Honestly, if they don't get moving they very well might be late. "It's in a case in his office. Allegedly."

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