Chapter 4|Y/n's first Hunt pt.2

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}

Damian is 19 years old
Y/n is 17 years old


[This will be his outfit , if you don't like it the. You can just imagine what he is wearing.
Ps. Your still wearing that hunting outfit form the pervious chapter]


(Y/n is in human form)
The antelope grazing in the valley, along with various birds. The antelope spook at something near Y/n, and they turn and begin to gallop off. Y/n gives chase. Soon, though, she notices the fire burning on the horizon, and the antelope turn and run back in her direction. She panics, turns, and begins to run back the way she came; antelope and birds follow her.

~~~~~~~Is the edge of the pride lands~~~~~~~~

(Human form)
A high knoll above the flames, where Talia and Damian sit watching.
"The plan is in motion. {pauses} Go!" Talia shouted.

Damian runs down the slope, toward Pride Rock.

~~~~~~~~~~~~At pride Palace~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Human form)
At Pride Rock, where F/n is pacing with Zazu several steps away.
"Don't worry, F/n. She'll be fine. What could happen?" Zazu said trying to reassure him.
F/n looks up and gasps as he sees the smoke rising.
"No... no! Y/n! {he turns to Zazu} Zazu! Fly ahead. Find her!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Y/n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Y/n and Damian are in human form)
Y/n is following a pair of zebras away from the flames, but finds herself trapped and hemmed in on all sides, choking on the thick smoke. She sees a high stone overhang above the flames; she leaps up and tries to climb up the side, but she falls unconscious upon reaching the top. Damian appears from the smoke and looms over her; she wakes for a moment and sees him baring his teeth down at her, then loses consciousness again. Damian grabs her waist and throws her body on top of his shoulder and begins to carry her away from the fire. He leaps across chasms with flames roaring, and then tumbles with Y/n down a slope into a pool of water, where Y/n begins to sink. Damian dives for her and drags her to shore. Zazu, flying overhead, watches the event.
"{gasps} I must tell F/n!"
Zazu flies back to Pride Rock.

Damian drags Y/n to shore, and she wakes up, gasping for breath.
"Where am I?" She questioned.
"You're safe... in the Pride Lands."
"{bewildered} The Pride Lands... no! Why did you bring me here? Who do you think you are?" She questioned again.
"I think I'm the one who just saved your life!" He shouted back.
"Look! I had everything under control!"
"Not from where I'm standing."
"Then move downwind."

The two figures confront each other.

(Animal form)
Y/n begins jumping from side to side, as she had done in their earlier encounter as cubs. Soon Damian's interest is piqued.
"What are you doing?"
"{recognizing him} Damian?
"{away from Y/n} Y/n!"
F/n and the lionesses from Pride Rock arrive. F/n jumps in front of Y/n, snarling and growling.
"Y/n! You're all right."
"Father... how could you break your promise?" Y/n said ignoring her mother.
"It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you. No more hunts for you; not ever!"
"But I was doing just fine! Even before Damian--"
"Damian? {he roars at Damian again}"
"{surprised at his ferocity} F/n? {F/n glares at M/n}" M/n said suprised but questioning his actions.

Rafiki has arrived, and is standing on the hillside behind F/n.

"Hey! You! How dare you save the King's daughter?"
"You saved her? Why?"
"I humbly ask to join your pride."
"{immediately} No! You were banished with the other Outsiders." F/n said not giving a second thought.
"I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for what I am... or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?"

F/n snarls and paces around. M/n looks hard at him.
"F/n... you owe him your daughter's life." She tries to persuade him.
"Mmm... yes, sire. Clearly we are in his debt... and royal protocol demands that all debts be paid. Though in this case you might want to make an exception."
F/n paces a few moments more, then comes to a decision.
"Hmmm. My father's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgment. We'll see who you really are."
Damian smiles inwardly and looks sidelong at Y/n, who smiles back at him.
Zazu turns his back on Damian.
"Hmph! Riffraff."
Zazu flies off. All make their way back to Pride Rock, with Damian walking behind F/n and growling to himself.

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