Josie's confession

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Alright guys! The last chapter for the night! Till tomorrow! 

Let me know what you guys think cause i'm loving the suspense this story is giving you xD!


Liam was walking out of the mansion when he saw Toni park her car. He got a call from Cheryl earlier and asked him to pass by so that they can discuss a few things. Liam smiled as he walked to the brunette. "Hey, Toni,"

"Hey Liam, how are things?"

"I did as you asked me, she called me and told me to come and meet her here and she discussed selling the house and the wine factory."

"And what did you tell her?" Toni asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well technically they aren't her's so I had to tell her that since the transfer of ownership takes a while, we can't do anything about it."

Toni nodded, "You did good, thank you."

"I'm only doing my job. There's also one more thing I wanted to discuss with you. I think you should pass by the wine factory and check on the employees. Since the day Larry died no one has come. It'll be a good for you to show your face."

"But I want to sell everything and leave." Toni reasoned.

"The sale won't happen in a day, the wine factory costs millions and till you find someone to buy it. It'll take time."

"I didn't step a foot in that winery since the day my father died."

"Just try and show up your face, we need the employees to know that we still care about them so that they can produce more because in case you want to sell, the first thing a buyer will ask for is the income."

Toni huffed, "Seriously? I have to go and work?"

Liam shook his head. "Just come and show your face, say a couple of nice words and that's it." When he saw Toni nod he continued. "Call me if you need anything. I have to get going now."

Elissa took the day off and went to see her ten-year-old son who lives with her sister. Since the boy's father isn't in the picture, her sister offered to keep Jacob with her and her husband. But the brother in law is getting irritated by the ten-year-old so he decided to inform his wife that he won't allow him to stay here anymore. Lina, Elissa's sister panicked, she knew that Elissa didn't have a place of her own to raise the boy at.

Elissa knocked on the door and her sister opened a few seconds later. "Hey!" The maid said excitedly. "I missed you guys, where's everyone?" She asked as she looked around to find none. She frowned and looked at her sister who was very nervous. "W-What's wrong? I-Is Jacob okay?"

Lina nodded and ushered her sister to one of the couches. "I need to talk to you about something."

"W-What's wrong?"

"You know how much I love you and I-" She was cut off by her sister.

"Please tell me what's going on here, you got me worried." Elissa pleaded.

"Max, he doesn't want Jacob to live with us anymore."

Elissa's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? You know that Jacob is still a kid. I don't have anywhere to go with him. I live in a small room in the mansion!" She said in a panic.

"I'm sorry but he is refusing to keep Jacob with us," Lina said in a sad voice. "I tried talking to him but he is stubborn."

The housemaid began to cry. She doesn't have anywhere to put the little boy. "Where will I go with him? Do you understand what you are telling me? Oh god, please Cheryl will never accept to have Jacob."

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