Thoughts and feelings

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Cheryl entered the living room looking annoyed. "Can I know why the idiot isn't answering his phone?" She said crossing her arms and looking at Toni, not seeing Sweetpea was beside the brunette.

"Who?" Toni asked confused.

"Liam the idiot. I have been calling him for the past ten minutes and he isn't picking up."

"Do you need him for something?" The short brunette inquired.

"No," Cheryl replied sarcastically. "I was just calling him to check if the landline is working."

Toni nodded, "Oh okay. I thought you wanted something from him."

"Of course I want something from him! And something important!" Cheryl said in annoyance.

Veronica sighed, "Cher, didn't you notice that Sweetpea is here?"

The redhead then turned to the man and rolled her eyes. "No, I didn't, because he is always here I thought he is one of the statues in this living room."

"Thank you for the nice welcoming." He said with a fake smile.

"Oh yeah, you know Cheryl does it best when it comes to welcoming the guests." Toni said as she patted Sweetpea's back. "She's the queen of good behavior and politeness."

"Thank you," Cheryl replied with a fake smile.

Toni nodded, "See what I am talking about Pea? She says thank you."

"Call him and tell him that I need to talk to him." Cheryl ordered the short brunette.

"Excuse me?" Toni asked with a raised eyebrow. She did not like that tone.

"Call him and tell him that I need to talk to him." The widow repeated.

Toni just stared at her for a few seconds. "Are you ordering me or are you asking me to call him? Because if you are asking me there should be a please in that sentence."

"Then I am ordering you," Cheryl stated as she looked into Toni's eyes.

"I am not used to getting orders from anyone."

"Well, then you have to get used to it." Cheryl replied sarcastically.

Toni stood up from her place and balled her fists. "No one will ever get me to obey an order. You want me to call Liam the idiot? You say 'Please Toni, call Mr. Liam the idiot.' and I will call him."

"And no one has or will ever get me to say please." Cheryl shot back.

"You never said please that is correct. But you will say please. I will make you say please and I will make you do it while you are on your knees and begging for it." Toni said with anger and firmness. "Are you listening to me? I will make you do it while you are on your knees and begging for it." She repeated.

"That's your dream, isn't it?" Cheryl asked also with anger.

"Is it my dream for you to say please?" She asked shaking her head. "No, it's not. My dream is when I teach you how to treat people. And I will make that happen."

"This is only going to be a dream to you," The widow challenged. "And you'll see."

"We'll see." Toni agreed as she watched Cheryl walk to her room followed by her best friend. The short brunette sighed and sat back in her place, she then turned her face to Sweetpea who was with wide eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What are you doing?" Sweetpea asked in shock.

"What do you mean what am I doing? Didn't you see how she was talking to me? She irritates me!"

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