Chapter 3: First Day at Beacon Academy

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 3 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"It's the next day meaning it's time for class and also (Y/N)'s first day at Beacon Academy, he gets up to stretch and he rubs the back of his head after that. He gets up as he goes into the bathroom to change into his Beacon Uniform and he walks out to see his team dressed in their uniforms as well, he walks out as they follow him to their first class. They arrive to see they're early and they saw their teacher at his desk......................
Prof. Port: "Oh hello, you must be one of the students that passed the Initiation. *looks at (Y/N)* (Y/N) (Nickname) (L/N), I heard all about you. And someone like you deserves to be here."
(Y/N): "It's nice to meet you Prof. Port."
Prof. Port: "Same here young man, now you and your team will sit there."
......................they sat in their assigned seats as they wait for class to start, everyone else arrives as they took their seats. (Y/N) sees Pyrrha sits next to him......................
Pyrrha: "Hello (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Hey Pyrrha, I guess you're sitting next to me?"
Pyrrha: "Yes."
(Y/N): "Okay then."
......................class starts as everyone sits down and class beings, but Prof. Port starts talking about his past as it had nothing to do with what the class is. (Y/N) gets confused why, but he just listens throughout the entire class while other students tried to pass up the boredom, it's lunchtime as (Y/N)'s team walks in the cafeteria as he looks around......................
Pyrrha: "Hey (Y/N). Over here!"
......................he looks to see Pyrrha waving at him as she sits with three others, they walk to the table and sat down......................
(Y/N): "Hey Pyrrha, what's up guys?"
Jaune: "Nothing much."
......................four more people sat with time as its all girls who sat with them, (Y/N) recognized one of the girls......................
(Y/N): "Weiss Schnee. I never expected you to be here, nice to meet you."
Weiss: "It's nice to meet you to (Y/N)."
Ruby: "HI. I'm Ruby."
Blake: "Blake."
Yang: "Hey. I'm Yang."
Owen: "Nice to meet you all."
Ruby: "(Y/N), you were so awesome at the Initiation."
Weiss: "What do you expect? He is a long reigning world champion."
Mandy: "And will always be."
Carly: "Yeah."
......................he chuckles after that, but he hears laughing to see four guys bullying a Faunus girl as he looked at them with anger cause of that......................
(Y/N): "Hey Pyrrha, who's that?"
Pyrrha: "That's Cardin Winchester, he is a brute."
(Y/N): "What?"
Blake: "He bullies everyone, more of the bullying goes to Velvet cause she's a Faunus."
Jaune: "He use to bully me, but he stopped."
(Y/N): "Bullying? That's all he does? And those four?"
Yang: *nods* "Yep, it's kinda stupid considering he's here in Beacon. Pyrrha kicked their asses in combat class."
(Y/N): *looks at Pyrrha surprised* "You fought them Pyrrha?"
Pyrrha: "Yes I did."
Jaune: "And like always, she won."
......................he hears whimpering to see Cardin pulling on her ears while they laugh at her, (Y/N) growls in anger and he gets up to walk towards them as he punches him in the face making him let go of her ears. Cardin looks at (Y/N) angry while he held his jaw and stood up to look him in the eyes......................
Cardin: "What the hell? What's your problem?"
(Y/N): "Pft, what's your problem? You're bullying? In a school for training future huntsmen and huntresses, that is definitely unacceptable. Even for a lowlife like you."
Cardin: "You calling me a lowlife? How about we settle this in Goodwitch's class?"
(Y/N): "I'll take you on, matter a fact I'll take you and your asshats of a team on by myself. And I'll kick your ass like Pyrrha did."
......................Cardin's eyes widen in anger as he growls, he walks off with his team while (Y/N) looked at them angry. He looks at Velvet as she looked at him......................
(Y/N): "You okay?"
Velvet: "Yes. Thank you."

3rd P.O.V
Goodwitch's Class's Goodwitch's Class as (Y/N) stands in the arena with Team CRDL in front of him with their weapons in hand while he has his. (Y/N) gets in fighting stance while Cardin smirks......................
Goodwitch: "Begin."
......................Russel and Dove rushed at (Y/N) as he stood there, but he uses his semblance to go behind them making their eyes widen in shock. They groaned in pain at first, but they fall on the ground as their aura is in the red. Cardin looks in shock as he already took out two of his teammates in acouple of seconds, Cardin growls as the last guy rushes at him yelling in anger while flailing his weapon around, but his hand gets grabbed making him surprised about that. He smiles nervously at (Y/N), he knocks out him out making that a knock out, after that he looks at Cardin as he did in fear......................
(Y/N): "All that's left is the main asshat himself."
Cardin: "Wait, wait, wait please dude don't hurt me. I won't bully anyone, I'll leave them along and I'll be serious like a Huntsman."
(Y/N): "Too late."
......................he rushes at him and Cardin blocks his attack, their weapons sparked as they collide and Cardin tries to attack making (Y/N) block. The moment Cardin does one attack (Y/N) knocks his weapon out his hand as he looked at him shocked, he chuckles nervously, (Y/N) does a fast spin kick hitting Cardin in the head as he falls on the ground unconscious......................
Goodwitch: "And the winner is (Y/N) (L/N)."
......................everyone cheers as most of gem are girls, (Y/N) walks back to his seat as everyone congratulates him on his victory against Team CRDL......................
Goodwitch: "Now, for the next match is Owen Johnson vs Nick Nite."
......................(Y/N) eyes widen hearing that name he never thought he would hear, he looks at the guy to see he has the same features......................
(Y/N): (Oh no, not him. Why is he here?)
Pyrrha: "(Y/N), is something wrong?"
(Y/N): "No, nothing's wrong."
......................Owen stands in the arena with Nick as they have their weapons out, they rush at each other with their weapons colliding as they continued fighting. Nick started becoming aggressive doing attacks that Owen blocks, he knocks his weapon out his hand as he does a slash attacking hitting through his aura making a big cut in his arm as Owen screams in pain. (Y/N) runs in as he checks on him along with Carly......................
Carly: "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Nick: "Sorry, I just lost it."
(Y/N): "Lost it? You could've killed him, you dumbass."
Nick: "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
(Y/N): "You're nothing but an abusive shit is what you are?"
Nick: *eyes widen* "How the hell do you-"
......................(Y/N)'s eyes widen realizing what he said, he helps Owen up and takes him to the nurse's office to fix his wound as Nick looks at him curiously......................
Glynda: "Mister Nite, we need to talk about your temper!"

Ozpin P.O.V

......................Ozpin is going through his student records after what happened with Nick, he looks at (Y/N)'s file as he suddenly sees a resemblance to a missing report years ago. He brings it up to see it, (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes as he looks surprised......................
Ozpin: "His last name isn't (L/N). It's Nite. (Y/N) Nite, but why is he called (L/N)?"
......................he calls someone as he waits for an answer, he hears the person answer as he hears breathing."
Diane 'on scroll': "Hello."
Ozpin: "Diane, it's Ozpin. I believe I found your son. (Y/N)."

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Half-Broken Soul, Fixed by Love: Pyrrha Nikos x Abused and Neglected Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now