chapter 1

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                                             and black cover. <3

i was walking home from school very tired wanting to sleep, i open the door with my key and i enter and see my mom and this boy.. my mom yelled my name


" what's happening mom?"

" come here i want you to meet mattia"

" who?"

i walk over and this boy is starting at me and what i was wearing.

he was tall and had dark hair and was honestly very cute, me and my mom walked over to the couch and sat down

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he was tall and had dark hair and was honestly very cute, me and my mom walked over to the couch and sat down.

he said

" hey maddie, i'm mattia"

" um hello, mom what's happening?"

" oh well i sold you for money and you are going to be staying with this boy right here!"

" um WHAT?!.. no i'm not leaving"

is she like okay? she knows i'm not going right?

" yes you are pack your bags and leave now."

i sit there confused and my mom pushed me so

i could go up stairs, i went up stairs and start to pack and i was very confused..

i went back down stairs and the boy was waiting for me.

i ask my mom

"when will i be back" and she said " i don't know" smirking to her self

i walk out side with a car that looks very expensive

i get in and so does mattia i wave goodbye to my mom not wanting to hug her because of what she did, i mean how could she be so selfish!

she's like treating me like an object. i'm a human.

mattia also gets in and starts to drive away

i look back at my house and see my mom basically hugging her money..

i look back at mattia and he looks back at me

" what are you staring at?" i say


he smirks and he puts his hand on my thigh

i put smack it away and he looks at me

" you know i bought you so i can do anything i want with you"

i stare at him and say " you don't own me, i'm not an object. i own my self. so don't touch me."

he looks at me " oh princess you'll see."

sold~ mattia bolibio Where stories live. Discover now