chapter 16

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mattias pov

i walk down stairs and finish my food

they boys are just playing on the x box

i walk up stairs and maddie is on the phone

" omg yes!" she says while giggling

i give her a wtf look

she puts her finger on her mouth. so i can be quite

" yeah yeah. okay i'll see you tomorrow bae. byeee ." she says

okay who is she calling bae to?

she hangs up and walks to the bathroom

i grab her waist and spin her around

" who the fuck was that?" i say

" my bestfriend." she says

" girl or guy?" i ask

" girl." she says

" oh okay... where are you going tomorrow." i say

" oh she invited me to the club." she says

" no." i say

" please mattia i have it seen her since you took me!" she says

" you can meet her up, but not in the club." i say

" mattia. please." she says

"nope." i say

she walks away and goes into the bathroom

i sigh and lay down on the bed

she walks out

" can i have a sleepover at her house?" she says

" nope." i say

" okay why the fuck not?!" she says mad

" first of all watch your language, and secondly you could run of to the club and pretend to be having a sleepover." i say

" mattia i never go out. i stay in her all fucking day! i want to have fun with my friends." she says

" well i don't give a a fuck. and i said watch your language! you can leave when i say you can leave!" i say

she stands there with tears in her eyes

she looks at me and walks away

i follows her, she goes into a guest room.

she goes into the bathroom and locks her self in

" maddie open the door please."

no answer

" look i'm sorry, but all the guys would be starting at you" i say

no answer

i sigh and walk away

i go down stairs and talk with the boys

they all soon have to leave and they told me to say bye to maddie for them

i went up stairs and saw that see was not in the bathroom

she was sleeping

and this time is was already 11 pm

so she was watching on my block

i turned of the tv and took a shower

when i got out she was not there

i looked around the room

i when down stairs

she was not there

sold~ mattia bolibio Where stories live. Discover now