One Thousand Seconds

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"Alex!!!" Jade yells. I sigh and walk into the kitchen.
"Whatttttt." I say.
"Could you do me a huge ass favor?" She asks.
"Um....what's the favor?" I ask, slightly worried.
"Go to a BVB concert with me? Pleeeaasseee?" She begs. I sigh.
"I don't know..." I say.
"But it's my birthday! Please!" She says. I sigh again.
"Finnnneee." I say. She claps.
"Yayyyy!" She says. I laugh.
"It's tomorrow." She says.
"Kks." I say, walking back towards my bedroom. I flop onto my bed and close my eyes, drifting off into sleep.
~the next day~
"ALEX WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GO SEE THE MOST SEXIEST PEOPLE ALIVE!!" Jade yells, waking me. I groan and open my eyes.
"Jadeee go back to sleep it's like five am." I say.
"Seven actually now get your ass outta bed." She says. I groan and throw the covers off. Going into the bathroom, I shower and get dressed. I grab a pair of blue jeans and a black lacey top, and fix up my hair in a long side braid.
"Come onnnnn!" Jade yells. I grab my phone and leather jacket and run out the door.
~time skip to the concert~
"Omg this is so cool." Jade squeals. I laugh at her excitedness.
"Hey Im gonna go pee I'll be right back." I say, getting up. She nods. I walk out and go to find the bathroom. Feeling a searing pain in my head I stop. I close my eyes tightly and grip the wall.
"Hey, are you okay?" A voice asks.
"Yeah I'm-" I get cut off by another wave of pain.
"Alright come on." The voice says. Suddenly I feel arms under me and I'm being lifted. I hear a door open.
"Guys call 911 CC get that fangirl off you Andy get me a cold towel now." A voice orders.
"Alex!" Jades voice says. I open my eyes slightly.
"J-jade.." I say.
"She's having her headaches." Jade says.
"Alex your gonna be okay." The voice says. That's the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.
Ashley's POV:
I pace around the waiting room worriedly.
"Jade Ashworth?" A nurse says. Jade stands up.
"That's me." She says. She's been crying.
"Alexandria Maxwell is awake now. She can leave, just check out at the front desk before you do." The nurse says. I sigh a sigh of relief. I follow Jade into the room.
"Jade." Alex's soft voice says. Jade hugs her.
"Dammit Alex you had me worried sick." Jade says. Alex smiles.
"Yeah well I can't leave yet, heaven and hell still have restraining orders against me." She says. Jade laughs. Alex looks at me and the other guys.
"Jade. Who the fuck are these guys." She says.
"Um...BVB." Jade says. Alex swears under her breath.
"I'm ashley. The one who kinda saved you.." I say awkwardly. Something tells me she doesn't like me.
"Well thanks but I was just fine." She says coldly.
"You were barely breathing." I retort.
"Like I said, just fine." She says. I sigh.
"I get the feeling you don't like me." I say.
"Really? It's that obvious?" She says in a VERY sarcastic tone.
"Yeah. Any particular reason why?" I ask.
"I just don't think you guys are that great of a band." She says.
"We'll see about that." I say. She snorts.
"Alex, the nurse said you could leave." Jade says.
"Hallelujah!" Alex says, jumping up from the bed. She runs out the door and grabs her stuff, and runs out the doors of the hospital.
Alex's POV:
I run to the car. I climb in the passengers seat and Jade gets in the drivers side. Ashley gets in the back.
"Why are you-" I start.
"Relax, I'm just giving him and the others a ride back." She says. I sigh.
"When we get home I'm gonna go to bed." I say.
"You were asleep for eight hours." Jade says.
"Only eight? Damn, I'm surprised I didn't sleep longer." I say.
"Here you guys are. See ya." Jade says bye to the guys.
"Bye." Ashley says, waving to me. I flip him off. He just laughs and gets out of the car.
"Is he laughing at me?!" I say. Jade laughs. I flip her off too. We get home and I go into my room and flop on my bed and fall asleep.

Hey guys. I decided to start another fanfiction, I just sorta got bored in tech class so. Anyways, this ones a bit different from the other one. Sorry I havn't been updating lately, Ina gonna get a new chapter up today. Anyways. See ya, byeeeeee!!! :) :P

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