It All Starts Somewhere (Chapter 1)

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Hi. My name is Zoe. Im 12 and have a pretty normal life. I love fashion, Starbucks, uggs, and Bethany Mota. She's literally my life and I have no idea how I would live without her. Sure, I'm like he other girls but I have many secrets. I wouldn't even dare tell them to anybody. But you.
Ive lived in a adoption home for 7 years now. I remember the first day I came here. It was my 5th birthday and all I wanted was a Barbie, instead, I got dumped here, California's Sunny Side Adoption Home and Foster Care Services. From then on, I expected so little from everybody. I get bullied from the bigger girls here, and it's not fun. They push me around, and think they control me: but I can't stand up to them.
I've tried to run away but I have gotten caught every single time, and every time being punished worse and worse, so I just stopped trying and exempted the fact that my life was completely over. I wouldn't get married, have kids, or have a job, but I just excepted the fact that no one wanted me anymore. No one loved me. Until one day that all changed. Somebody came into my life and changed it forever. This is my story.




I woke up to my alarm going off singling that I was forced to get up and start the day. I got out of bed like a slug, rubbed my eyes and went into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and was horrified of what I saw. My hair was a mess, and I forgot to take off my makeup so my mascara was also a mess. I then brushed my hair, and did my makeup to really tried to look pretty. I walked to my small closet and picked out my favorite outfit. The "Motavator shirt, with Bethany's skater skirt, and some converse. I brushed my teeth, making sure to get around my ugly braces.
Today wasn't any normal day. Today was adoption day. I brushed off any dust from my clothes, took a breath, and went down the ricked stairs. Everybody was already in the line, so I joined them, getting a couple of mean stares.

"Boys, girls, be on your best behavior, the adopter will ask you a few questions and see how you act around your daily life." The director said looking at us

Then something happened that I would remember forever. Out walked Bethany Mota and her family. THE BETHANY MOTA. I can not believe that this is happening. No freakin way. Bethany Mota and her family will adopt one of us. She greeted all of us shaking our hand as we said hi. My eyes met hers and it was like we were the only people in the room.
We got called one by one, (by last names) to go into the conference room to ask the questions. Each time someone went into the room my hope dropped that much more.
When I got called, my hands got sweaty and my heart started to pound. I couldn't think right. I was meeting my idol and possibly getting ADOPTED BY HER. I walked in and sat down in the chair.

"Hi I'm Bethany!" She said cheerfully, which made me smile. "But I think you already know that..." She said laughing pointing to my shirt

"Oh. Yea, I kinda idolize you." I said smiling

"Oh thank you!" She said "so you're.. Zoe Sanchez right?"

Yup! That's me!" I said getting more nervous

"Ok well.. What do you like to do for fun?" Bethany said smiling

"Well, there isn't a lot to do here, but I watch your videos 24/7. Non-stop" I said laughing and looking down. "I also like to dance, shop, and sing."

"Oh cool! What's your description if the perfect family?" She said looking more serious. This one made me think. I felt ashamed that I didn't have the 'Perfect family.'

"A family who cares about me, who loves me, who would care about the little things like tucking me in at night, wiping away my tears, and coming to shows, and recitals. I want a family who cares. I want a forever family. Not a foster, or a fake family, a family to call my own. A mom, a dad, and a sibling. Just one." By the time I said it a single tear had escaped from my eye. Bethany came over, hugged me from behind, and wiped my tear away.

"Zoe, would you like to become part of the Mota family?" Bethany said getting back into her chair.

"YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" I screamed and started crying tears of joy. They laughed and told the director, who got the adoption papers.

"Sign here, here, here, inational here, thumb print here, and final signature here. Ok the kids all yours. Zoe go pack your stuff." The director said as I smiled even more.

I ran up to my room and packed all of my clothes, PJS, my bathroom necessities, my stuffed bear, my flip phone, my jacket, and shoes all into one medium sized suitcase. It wasn't big nor was it filled, but hey that's the life of an orphan.

I ran back down stairs and stated that I was ready to go. "Ok let's get out of here! I don't think I introduced myself but my name is Tammy, I'm Bethany's mom, and now you're mom!" Tammy said cheerfully. I couldn't wait for what lied ahead.

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