Pictures for dayzzzz

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Bethany's POV:

Last night Zoe fell asleep watching up, so I carried her up to her room and placed her in bed. I kissed her head and turned off the lights and shut the door smiling. I looked at the wall clock right next to her door and it said 11:48 pm. I decided I was going to be a good teenager and go to sleep instead of staying up tonight. Tomorrow, I wanted to run some errands and do some shopping at Aero just with Zoe. Odd as it sounds, I feel like a mother around Zoe. In a good way though. I in a way was really her mother. My mom didn't want to get Zoe, or adopt a child at all. I begged her and she said yes, only if I did most of the caring for. She wants me to develop responsibility and become a youth adult. I agree with her, but I feel like Zoe was the thing I needed. She was the only thing I needed right now. I didn't need more responsibility, all I needed was Zoe. I think we have a special bond that will never break. I climbed in my bed and instantly was asleep.

Zoe's POV:

It was 6am and I couldn't go back to sleep. I tried every technique in the book but everything failed. I groaned, rubbed my eyes, got up, and made my bed. Back when I was at the care home, I had to make everyone's bed every day, because that was my morning job, so I'm used to making beds quickly. I grabbed my phone and opened my door. When I stepped outside my room, I heard nothing. Everybody was still sleeping. I creaked open Bethany's door and peeked inside. I saw the cutest thing ever. Bethany, crazy hair and all, was rolled up in her covers, one arm out of all the covers. Her phone was by her stomach and she looked adorable. It was dark in her room, but I had an idea. I slowly creeped in, not minding all the dirty clothes and camera equipment everywhere. I went up to her bed and took out my phone and slid the camera bar up and pressed the button while grinning. Little did I know the flash was on.

Bethany's POV:

All I saw was a flash and I was blinded.

"What the?!" I screamed. All I heard was laughing. I had no idea what was happening. The laughing kept on going as I saw more flashes. What in the heck was going on?
My eyes finally caught on to what was going on and I saw it. Emily was taking hundreds of pictures of me.
"Zoe!" I yelled and ran after her as I chased her all around the house.
She laughed which made laugh also. We ran around for about 20 minutes before she stopped, causing me to bump into her. She simply showed me her lock screen, a picture of me sleeping. Oh god.

"Oh my god!" I said laughing as I sat down in the couch and started eating left over popcorn from last night. We sat and talked laughing and almost shouting at times, and then decided to get dressed.

Zoe's POV:

I had one pair of clothes at the moment, which was One of Bethany's crop tops, and an over sized sweater with a skater skirt. I went into the bathroom and was confused. I didn't know what stuff was mine and what stuff wasn't. I got panicked, and started breathing heavily and couldn't stop. What if I used Bethany's or her moms toothbrush or something? I have panic attacks easily, which is something I probably told bethany, because she told me that we were going to the mall today, but I didn't want to tell her. I frantically looked in the cabinets and was relived when I saw a bucket labeled "Zoe's Stuff". It was nicely done, so I expected it was from Bethany. In it was a toothbrush, toothpaste, a razor, girl stuff, a brush, shower nessities, a whole bunch of makeup, and cute hair bands. I smiled and went to brush my teeth. When I was done, I did my makeup and went down stairs.

"Ready slow poke?" Bethany said
I smiled and looked at the clock. It said 10:04. I'm not that slow was I?
"Yup let's go!" I said getting more nervous that I wouldn't get a panic attack.

I was In for a surprise when the mall parking lot was packed. I felt pressured as I walked out of the car. I felt like I couldn't breath. Bethany held my hand as we. Walked into the mall. I could feel my self panicking.
"Don't panic Zoe" I said to myself.
"Panic about what?" Bethany said looking at me confused and a little nervous when we got into the mall.
I said that aloud?


Sorta long chapter but I personally love it 💋❤️

Love you guys and thank you for the support on the book!

New chapter for my other book in an hour!

Btw: it almost has 50K!!!! 😋😋😋😋

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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