Chapter 7| Deception and disgrace pt.1

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}
On Pride Rock, with Damian walking out onto the promontory.
"Okay-- I have to tell her today. Oh... where do I start? "Y/n... Talia had a plot-- and I was part of it. But I don't wanna be, because-- it's because I love you. {sighs} Oh, she'll never believe me. But I gotta try." Said Damian.
He goes into the cavern, where Y/n and F/n are waking up.
"Y/n... I need to talk to you." Damian asked.
"{sternly} Y/n... I don't want you talking with him. {softening} I want to talk with him." F/n said.
Y/n's face brightens; F/n winks at her, and he and Damian go out onto the promontory and down onto the savannah. Scene switch to where they are walking through the newly burnt section of the Pride Lands.
"Ras couldn't let go of his hate... and in the end, it destroyed him." F/n explained.
"I've... never heard the story of Ras that way. He truly was a killer."
"Fire is a killer. Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before..."
He puts his paw down and raises some dust; when he lifts it, a young plant is there. The two lions lean down, head to head.
"...If given the chance."
We hear an evil chuckle from the dust surrounding them. Damian gasps as he realizes what's happening. Many dark lionesses appear from the clouds of dust, surrounding them. The lionesses' eyes glow a bright, sinister yellow.
"No... oh, no... no...." Damian said worriedly.
"Why, F/n..."
"What are you doing out here, and-- so alone? {the lionesses encircle f/n and Damian} Well done, Damian... just like we always planned."
"{turning on Damian} You." F/n said menacingly
"No! I didn't have anything to do with this!" Damian said trying to convince F/n.
"Attack!" Talia shouted.
The lionesses attack. F/n is fighting off several at once. Damian tries to help F/n, but is battered off by a lioness and falls to the side, hitting his head on a rock. F/n is thrown to the bottom of a ravine; lionesses slide down the slope towards him.
"Yes! We've got him!" Talia said.
Mara and the other lionesses attack again, forcing F/n to flee down the canyon.
"Remember your training! As a unit!"
F/n is trapped; he tries to climb up the walls of the canyon, using the piled-up logs to gain purchase; Damian is above him on the ledge.
"Get him! Damian! Get him! Do it now!"
Athanasia jumps from the crowd
"I'll do it-- for you, Mother! {she bounds up the logs, laughing} Mother-- are you watching? {softly, to herself} I'm doing it for you... and I'm doing it for me!" Athanasia said.
Athanasia chases F/n up a slope with several broken logs strewn across it. Just as F/n reaches the top, Athanasia grabs his ankle.
"This is my moment of glory!" Athanasia shouted.
The log on which Athanasia has his rear paw breaks, causing Athanasia to lose his grip on F/n's ankle and begin to fall. F/n reaches the top, but the pile of logs rolls down the slope with Athanasia among them; they all land in a heap at the bottom of the ravine.  Athanasia lies trapped under a large log. She looks up to the top of the slope to see one final log rapidly falling in her direction. She grimaces, terrified, as the log hits her. Damian rushes down to help free Athanasia , but he is swatted aside by Talia, who pulls enough logs aside to see Athanasia's face.
"Athanasia ..." Talia screamed.
"{gasping for air and coughing} I'm sorry, Mother... I tried..."
"Well... I finally got your attention, didn't I..."
Talia smiles tenderly at her and cradles her face in her paw.
"Didn't I..."
Athanasia dies. Mara appears next to Tali's on the edge of the logs.
"Athanasia ..." Mara said in a sad tone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~In the Pride lands~~~~~~~~~~~

The middle of the Pride Lands, where F/n is walking wearily back to Pride Rock. Y/n sees him from a distance off.
"Father... {realizing} Father! Zazu, get help!"
"{flying off} Oh yes! Help... at once! Of course!" Zazu said.
F/n is walking with great pain. Y/n, Timon, and Pumbaa reach him.
"F/n! Talk to me! What happened?"
"{F/n coughs, wheezing, having a hard time speaking} Damian... {a painful breath of air} Ambush..." F/n tries to say.
F/n collapses on his side, groaning in pain.
"No..." she said.
Timon grabs F/n's tail and hugs it; Pumbaa hoists F/n on his back, and they start to drag him back to the palace.
"It's all right, buddy... we're here for you." Timon said in a comforting voice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~In the Outlands~~~~~~~~~~~

The Outlands, where the lionesses are gathered in a memorial to Athanasia .
"Ras... watch over my poor Athanasia . {she turns on Damian} You!" Talia snarled.
Talia swats Damian across the face with outstretched claws.
"Eeaugh!" Damian screamed out.
Damian looks away in pain, but soon turns his head, glaring at Talia. She recoils at the sight, shocked; Damian now has a scar over his left eye just like Ras'. Talia recovers quickly.
"{menacingly} What have you done?" Talia screamed.
"I-I-I didn't mean to... it-it-it wasn't my fault, I... {forcefully} I did nothing!" Damian answered.
"Exactly! And in doing so, you betrayed your pride... betrayed Ras!"
"{shouting} I want nothing more to do with him!" Damian said.
"You cannot escape it! Athanasia is dead because of you!"
"You've killed your own sister!"

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