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As I was in my head thinking the negatives of danger coming to everyone I knew in La Push my body started shaking and the pain in my body worsened with each second, I closed my eyes

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As I was in my head thinking the negatives of danger coming to everyone I knew in La Push my body started shaking and the pain in my body worsened with each second, I closed my eyes. The next thing I knew a howl was heard and I felt calm although strangely hostile, almost easing the pain in body letting me calm down.

Whatever was across that river still hasn't gone and it was making me slightly angry, I bet it was watching me in amusement as I struggled to stand up. Suddenly my body exploded in pain again, I screamed in agony as my back started to arch, I closed my eyes and hoped it would all end, a few minutes of pain and I felt the relief of it stopping. I went to stand up but I fell back down, I felt different and my body didn't feel the same. I had one question, what the fuck just happened.

I started growling while looking across the river and had a protective stance. I could hear shouting, it sounded quite far away though I could hear perfectly"Aya? Inaaya, where are you?"It was Embry, my eyes widened. He couldn't see me like this but he could help me. I'm stuck as a- hold on I don't even know what I am. I'm strangely calm as I walk towards the river and look down. That's when the panicking kicks in. I was a wolf. My eyes were a bright blue, the top of my fur was black leading into a gingery brown colour then all the bottom of me and my neck was white.

I quickly panicked as I was a wolf and in my head stuck like this forever. I turned towards Embry's voice and sped off towards him. I could run so fast that everything else seemed slow. It was amazing and I felt free although lost. When I spotted Embry I growled, he looked towards me and gaped"No way."He suddenly smiled"I didn't think this was going to happen this way but it's even better!"Embry said and I looked at him confused.

I whined and I could feel myself crying, I was confused as to why I was a wolf and all Embry could think about was how this was 'better'? I felt myself sway a bit and Embry was in front of me in a second"Hey..calm down it's okay! This was going to happen one way or another since you're part of the Quiletue tribe. Sam will explain everything I promise. Just follow me okay, we're going to the pack house."Embry explained softly and I found myself nodding in which he smiled at. He suddenly took a few steps back and phased into a wolf as well. I sat shocked, I think I was gaping because he gave a wolffish grin and nodded his head towards the right direction.

Try keep up will ya

I looked around trying to find the voice but no clue.

It's me Embry, since you're in the tribe and now a wolf you're also in the pack. Hope you like running with the wolves because you are one now and it's our duity to protect humans and everyone in La Push! Sam will explain the rest now keep up!

I soon ran after Embry and passed him "Guess I'm faster, you're slow Emmy." I laughed in my head and slowed down so he could take me the right way and soon we was here. Embry howled and sat down so I followed his lead.

Soon we made it to Sam and Emily's house and I looked at Embry in confusion but he just smirked at me. 'Look away, I'm just going to phase back and get Sam' I nodded and looked away while he phased back into a human and ran into the house quickly and then back out with a shocked Sam and Emily.

I say down and looked at them confused and Sam slowly walked up to me"Inaaya? To phase back human think of yourself, it doesn't matter what your doing just visualise yourself."Sam explained and I nodded and visualised myself walking. Soon I felt my body shake and Sam saying 'Not here' but I was too far gone to listen.

I heard a screech and a blanket wrapped around me. I looked at Embry and felt myself tearing up, he looked at me shocked and ran over to me and hugged me"Hey it's okay, don't cry."He cooed at me and Sam smiled lightly at me"Welcome to the Quileute Pack."Sam said softly while patting my shoulder.

"Come, I'll explain everything. We have a lot to talk about."Sam said and nodded towards the house, I followed him but grabbing Embry's hand dragging him with me.
When we entered Emily gave me a mug of hot chocolate which I thanked her for and sat on the sofa which was super comfy.

Sam sat in front of me in a chair and smiled"Right let's start from the beginning....
You're Embry's half sister correct?" I nodded and he carried on"Yours and Embry's father was apart of the Quileute tribe. The spirit warriors were the first ones to shift from humans into wolves. We protect other people from harm and from the Cold Ones, also known as vampires. We have a treaty with the Cullens, they cannot come onto the Rez and we won't step into Forks.
Your father was apart of the spirit warrior bloodline and now so are you, it has been passed down and you have Quileute blood running through your veins, making you a protecter of people. See that tattoo on your shoulder? That makes you one of us; a wolf, you'll have to keep your anger under control as you can phase at anytime when you get too angry. You also cannot tell anyone about being a shapeshifter. I as alpha of the pack will guide and help you through everything."Sam explained while I sat in silence, I slowly nodded and took everything in.

"One more thing, imprinting. It's not complicated at all and you'll know as soon as you see that person. Everything changes, gravity moves...suddenly it's not the earth holding you here anymore, they do. You become whatever they need you to be, that's a protecter, or a lover, or a friend. You'll always be there for them, you'll be unconditionally bound to them for the rest of your life. A soulmate; imprint. It cannot be forced"Sam finished off and I gaped"Imprint?...oh my."I gulped and turned to Embry who nodded.

Sam pulled Emily close"Imprint?"I asked and they both nodded and chuckled at me.

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