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It was the night before the battle  and everyone was tense

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It was the night before the battle
and everyone was tense. It was my first time fighting vampires which Sam advices that I stay close to him or anyone else in the pack, more importantly Paul or Jacob. I was super nervous and fidgety, I didn't want to mess up and get someone hurt. As I was too caught up with scenarios in my head, someone tapped my shoulder and sat down next to me"Don't worry so much, you'll be fine. Me and Jake will be right behind you, making sure none of the cold ones get to you. I promise."Paul comforted me and Jake nodded bumping into me"I think you can handle yourself perfectly though. You're strong, even if you are tiny."Jake teased and I rolled my eyes at them both as they laughed"Whatever! I got this, just...Help me if you see me struggling."I whispered and looked towards the forest where Sam and Seth stood talking about the arrangements up in the mountain.

"I should get going. I'll meet you all in the battle."Jake said and stood up, I followed him and he turned to me pulling me into a hug"You'll be completely fine."He whispered to me and I nodded. He quickly kissed me forehead before taking a few steps back and phasing, he ran into the forest last Sam and Seth followed Jake's lead.

Sam called us all over and we all jogged over to him"This is it, everyone be careful and like I said yesterday. If you need help, ask. Stick together and use your heads. Don't do anything stupid."Sam warned us all and we nodded. My hand was grabbed and I noticed it was Paul's hand laced with mine. "There's a storm coming, I can feel it. Up in the mountains."Sam muttered to himself and I 'hm'ed as I turned around and shoved my face in Paul's chest. He rubbed my back in a comforting way and lead me back into Emilys house"Are you staying over tonight?"Paul asked and I nodded"I think so, Embry! Are we staying?"I shouted towards Embry who was talking to Quill, he looked over and nodded.

An hour later I found myself cuddled up to Paul in bed while he told me about his life and to say I was content would be perfect. His warm temperature wasn't dangerous for my skin since it was equally as hot and I felt myself falling asleep slowly"Goodnight Aya."Paul whispered and kissed my cheek, I smiled gently and closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.



As I carried Bella up the Mountain and she laid her head on my chest, usually I would be ecstatic but I didn't feel like that. It didn't feel special anymore and I was just helping a friend out. My mind drifted to Aya, she was the perfect imprint. It was a same I had to share her with Paul out of everyone but he had the same thoughts and we both wanted the same things for her so we worked it out and since Aya was a wolf too it made everything ten times easier. She understood everything and accepted us, me and Paul.

"So you imprinted.."Bella hesitated and looked at me, I nodded with a smile on my face"Yea, finally."I answered her in glee and a small frown found itself on her face"Oh..I'm happy for you. It's Aya right?"Bella confirmed and I nodded once again"She's beautiful, right? I got so lucky. I don't even mind that I have to share her with Paul, we both want the same things for her and she's a wolf too. It's made everything easier since she had imprinted on us too."I exclaimed and the smile on my face didn't move.

"I'm glad that you've found someone like Aya, she seems like a lovely person. I hope you and Paul treat her well."Bella murmured and smiled up to me, I thanked her and put her on her feet when we was at the top of the mountain. Edward stood there waiting for Bella who walked into his arms. Edward thanked me and I nodded"You should get back before the storm hits."Bella stammered and I shook my head"No I'm staying. You'll need my connection to the pack to keep tabs on what's going on."I explained, Bella had a ghost smile on her face"You're not gonna fight?"She asked, "Seth will swap with me in the morning. He's not happy about missing the action but it'll keep him out of trouble"I declared and Edward faced Bella"Let's get you inside."He said leading Bella towards the tent, I watched as they walked away.

Later that night when the storm hit all I could hear was teeth chattering. Bella was freezing and Edward couldn't do anything since he was cold too. I made my way to the tent and unzipped it stepping in"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on."I smirked as I zipped the tent back up. Bella huffed looking at me and I turned to Edward, him already knowing what I was going to suggest"Forget it."He commanded but I ignored him"She may need her toes one day and let's face it, I am hotter than you."I smirked and went to move forward but he smacked his hand onto my shoulder, not allowing me to move forward, "Get your hand off me."I growled, "Keep your hand off her."Edward warned, I was about to say something but Bella jumped in, "He's got an imprint Edward! Don't fight."She shivered and I smiled, nodding my head thinking about Aya again. She was most probably cuddled up to Paul, he can't keep his thoughts quiet especially when she was asleep knowing she can't hear him. All that he was saying was, 'She's adorable, I can't-'

Edward looked surprised"If she gets sick, it's on you."I continued, glancing at Bella who continued shivering. Edward gave up and let me move behind Bella, I let her cuddle into me, using my warmth she slowly stopped shivering and fell asleep. I looked at Edward who was staring longingly at Bella"Sharing an imprint with Paul?"Edward started and I curtly nodded"Yea, it's not a problem."I said defensively, he shook his head"Didn't say it was. I'm glad that you've found your imprint, I'm also glad that you looked after Bella when I was gone. I appreciate that."Edward spoke lowly and I nodded, "Before I had an imprint and she had chose me, would you've killed me?"I asked, curiosity slowly coming out.

Edward smiled lightly"That's an intriguing idea, but no. I couldn't hurt her like that." I looked at him confused"So you'd just turn her into a blood-sucking demon like you?"I sneezed and he sighed leaning back closing his eyes"I don't want that, I never wanted that."Edward insisted, "So stop her."It was simple, if he didn't want to change her why was he doing it? Edward shrugged"I tried. I left."I scoffed, "But you gave up too quickly. If you stayed away another six months, I could've changed her mind. Trust me."I told him and turned to look at her but Aya flashed through my mind, I was looking out for Bella as a friend. No longer interested in going any further with her anymore and Edward knew that now.

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