CH. 57 Forever loving this

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CH. 57 Forever loving this

(Dean POV)

Kimani and I were in bed, under the blankets. I was laying my head gently on her chest as she rubbed my back. This woman has already seen me in such vulnerable positions.

"Baby?" I said.

"Hmm?" She said.

I let out a sigh, I wasn't the only one in the living room who had things revealed to him. Everyone did, including Kimani.

The fact that Kimani just found out things that had to deal with the things she has gone through, is something I know is hurting her right now.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

Her hand stopped rubbing my back and I lifted my head to look at her.

We made eye contact with each other.

I sat up, opened my arms so she could lean herself on me.

She sat up and moved towards me, we found ourselves being in the same position we were in like we were in the bathtub but the only difference was that we were in bed.

"Talk to me," I said kissing her on the head.

"It's just, I can't believe it. Now that it's been said, it's coming back to me. The way my mom would listen to his conversation but act like she wasn't, the day she took me to the bank and told me not to tell dad about it, she was opening a bank account. I remembered the conversation, her name, and my name was on the account. My mother was planning on leaving him if she had left him sooner. She would be alive right now." She said, a sob coming out.

I held her close to me.

"He made me feel horrible, he said hurtful things to me, hit me, yelled at and throw things at me. He made me feel like I was the reason why my mother was dead, the look in his eyes when he saw me, was a look full of disgust. I blamed myself, I kept blaming myself till this day that I was the reason why my mom died. That if I just didn't complain and just wait till next time she went to the grocery then she would be alive. I thought I was the reason behind this all, that what I went through was a punishment for what I had thought I caused. I ran away, I became homeless as a kid and stayed homeless until I was a young adult. All because of him, all because of those horrible people, why didn't they just take him? Why did they have to take my mother?" Kimani said. She was crying and I kept whispering soft words to her that would help her calm down.

Knowing that all my words were just simple words, they wouldn't be able to bring her mother back. They wouldn't be able to erase all the things that she has gone through.

It angered me, that her own father had put her through so much pain but then again, we found out that not everyone that's a parent is a good and loving one.

After all, the things we have gone through is the proof of that.

"Did you think over what he said, you know that I am willing to help you with whatever it is that you plan to do," I said, kissing her head.

"I am in love with you and I will do anything that helps," I said to her.

"I know and it is the same for me when it comes to you. It's just a lot to process, I really thought I was to blame this whole time only to find out I wasn't. It feels like something has been lifted off my chest but it also disgust me, I feel worse. Also, the fact that there are children who are going through things like that just angers me. I can't wait for us to do something about it when we are able to handle our situation. I also can't wait for you to find your sister and uncle. I'm sure they have been looking for you two separately." She said, turning to look at me.

Tears were falling from her eyes and I kissed her face, my poor baby.

My heart clenched, just from how red her eyes were going to be after she was done crying.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either. Just the fact that woman decided to have children, knowing how cruel and evil she was. Finding out that I have an uncle who has been looking for me for years. It's a lot to take in. I want to find out more about them, finding out more about them will lead us to more steps in finding out how to reach them." I said.

She nodded her head.

"You know, I think the Grim Reaper has gone through some horrible things to, did you get that vibe?" she asked me.

"Yes, I did, It seems like he really loves Tommy so I guess there was no chance with Kevin and him," I said, hoping that my brother wouldn't take it too badly.

"All I know was that they made out, hope they didn't have sex though," Kimani said.

"I doubt they did, Kevin likes taking his time and moving things slow. I get the vibe from Tommy that he wouldn't have had sex with Kevin either. Now the making out thing, that's their business and I guess Tommy was trying to get over the Grim Reaper. Failing miserably though." I said.

Shrugging my shoulders.

Kimani snuggled more on me and I smiled.

She looked up at me and ran her finger through my hair.

"I love your red hair." She said, causing me to chuckle out of nowhere.

"Do you?" I asked her, kissing her neck which got a small laugh from her.

"Yes, the kids are going to look great." She said, causing my heart to leap.

"Yes, no matter how they're born with whatever traits between us they have. They're going to look amazing." I said.

"Do you want to also adopt?" She asked me.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes, I am fine with having kids and adopting," I said, her smile widened.

"Good, that means a lot. I would like for us to save some children and raise them with love." She said I looked at her with admiration.

"Well, with a mother like you. They will be raised with love." I said.

"With parents like us they will be, I think it's cute how we've had many conversations about having children." She said and I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"I look forward to it," I said, being honest with my words.

She looked at me softly.

"Good. I love you very much." She said.

"I love you too," I said, giving her lips a peck.

I pushed her gently on the bed.

"May I prove it tonight?" I asked her.

She smiled at me.

"You may."  She said, causing me to chuckle as I pressed my lips on hers.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

I adore these two, I love how they are open with each other. Do you all notice how Dean asked Kimani if she wanted to have sex or make love tonight? He asked it in a sweet way "May I prove it tonight?" Sometimes people are just in the mood to cuddle and just not have sexual intercourses which shows Dean respects Kimani to asked if she wanted to, after the day they had.

I respect this couple and their relationship.

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The next chapter gets interesting!


-Kassandra Vivu

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