Dreams Come To Reality

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“Mmm, Harry. Harder please. That’s right,” you say. You hear Harry’s breathe getting labored and yours is too as your both getting closer to the climax. Every thrust into you is pleasuring. “OH HARRY!” You yell and he suddenly stops. You feel someone grab your shoulders and shake you roughly.

You wake up, confused and tired. You glance up to see Louis is above you looking furious. You immediately remember the dream you were recently having and think about what you might have said.

“We’re you just f*cking Harry in your dreams?!” Louis yells and you stare at him shocked. He’s hovering above you, putting all his weight into his arms which are pinning you down to the bed. You struggle to sit up but he doesn’t allow you. His blue eyes are filled with anger and hatred.

“I-I, yes I think-” you begin but he cuts you off.

“You THINK? It’s obvious when you’re screaming his name over and over!” he yells and you cringe. “Why don’t you ever say my name like that? Am I not good enough for you or something?” you shake your head violently and he only looks angrier.

“How did he do it?” he asks.

“D-do what?” you ask in confusion.

“How did he f*ck you?!” he yells and you blush.

“H-he ate me out, t-then he just f*cked me,” you say and he smirks.

“That’s it?” he growls and you nod. “That’s nothing.” He takes off his shirt and throws it to the side along with yours. He unclips your bra and grasps your breasts roughly, making you gasp. He rips off your pants along with his, leaving you both in your underwear. One hand rubs your cl*t vigorously while the other is at the small of your back, pulling you upward so he can kiss you. He’s never kissed you this rough before. He kisses you almost like he had to and not because he wanted to. He bit your bottom lip, leaving you with the metallic taste of blood in your mouth.

“Louis, you’re hurting me,” you whimper and his eyes snap to yours.

“Not another word,” he growls and a tear escapes your eye. You’ve never seen him this angry. He’s always been so gentle and kind but now it was like he turned into an animal. He throws your underwear aside and immediately sticks his tongue inside of you. You moan in pleasure, and then gasp when he sticks two of his fingers inside, along with his tongue. His unoccupied hand grips your waist tightly, leaving red marks where his nails dug in. You feel yourself getting closer to the climax and he notices this too. He pulls his fingers and his tongue out of you and you start to protest but stop yourself. You knew he would only get angry again.

“Get on your hands and knees you s*ut,” he demands and you obey. You face away from him and get on your hands and knees. He leaves the room and your eyes follow him, confused. He comes back with a ruler and some handcuffs. He handcuffs both of your hands to the bed post and smacks your bum with the ruler. You cry out in pain and he does it again, this time even harder. You feel a bruise well up and he throws the ruler aside. He grasps your bum with both of his big hands and thrusts into your p*ssy from behind. He doesn’t let you adjust as he slides in and out of you roughly. Tears leave your eyes and the pain continues for a minute. You keep your mouth shut and pull through the pain. The pain suddenly turns to pleasure and you begin to moan.

“Harry can’t make you feel like this, can he? You c*nt,” he says and the words sting. He continues to thrust inside of you, occasionally smacking your bum with his hands, leaving a huge mark. You feel yourself getting closer to the climax. He notices and grabs your hair, pulling your head back violently.

“You’ve been bad, haven’t you? Feel how wet I made you? I can just slide in and out easily, you whore,” he’s talking dirty to you, trying to get you closer to the edge. “I’ll let you cum when you prove to me that you’re worth coming. Have you been a bad girl? Say you’ve been bad,” he says as he smacks your bum again and you hold your orgasm.

“I-I’ve been a b-bad girl Lou, I’ve b-been s-so bad,” you struggle to say.

“Beg for your orgasm,” he growls.

“Please Louis, let me cum all over your big c*ck! I’ve been so bad! You feel so f*cking good lou,” you moan and he releases his cum inside of you.

“Go ahead you wh*re,” he says and you cum violently all over his d*ck. You stare into his cold eyes with fear and stumble out of bed, grabbing your robe as you run down the stairs blindly. You trip over the last step and fall, hurting your knee in the process. You get up and continue running into the corner of your living room. You sit in the fetal position and begin to sob. You feel sore and it hurts to sit down, or do anything for that matter. You see Louis come downstairs and you cover yourself with the robe even more and back further into the corner.

“Babe,” he says and you hide your face. He comes over and sits beside you. He’s wearing his boxers and nothing else. He touches your shoulder lightly and you flinch away from his hand. “Oh my God (Y/N), I-I’m so sorry! I can’t believe what a d*ck I’ve been!” you continue to hide your face away from him.

“W-why did y-you do this t-to me?” you sob and he sighs.

“Screaming Harry’s name was one thing but…Afterwards you said-you said that you loved him,” he said and you look up in shock. There were tears in his eyes and he was avoiding eye contact.

“But I don’t love him Louis. I love you and nobody else,” you say and a tear rolls down his cheek.

“But how could you love me after I did this to you? And a bunch of other things…” he says and points to the cut on your lip.

“Louis, I’ll be honest here. That was pretty rough sex but I kind of liked it,” you say and he looks at you in shock.

“But next time can we not do this to my lip?” you say pointing to the cut and he pulls you into a tight hug.

“I love you,” he says. You kiss him passionately, the sparks flying just as they always do.

“I love you too Louis,” you say back

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