For Melissa

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Sorry for the wait but here's an imagine for Melissa aka @louisboobeartommo

“Hey gorgeous, do you want to go out to eat? I was thinking maybe Chinese, but that’s your choice.”  My attention was snatched away from the laptop screen to the brunette boy standing in front of the couch.  I lowered my glasses to the bridge of my nose and let an exasperated sigh escape my lips, along with a small shake of my head.  Louis noticed my odd behavior and took a seat beside me, curling his arm tightly around my shoulder. 

“Hey, what’s the matter babe? You can tell me,” his tone was sympathetic, urging me to spill the self-doubting, apprehensive thoughts that dashed through my mind, welling up to a sure to happen, emotional break-down.  I scrunched up my eyebrows and felt my tongue dart out unintentionally to wet my lips, something I had a habit of doing when I was nervous.

 Louis noticed my unease and tensed beside me. Then again he noticed every little thing about me.  Everything besides the deep scars that were permanently tattooed into my wrists.  I kept the cuts well hidden from him, wearing long shirts in the summer and in the winter.  He found it odd that I wore long clothing year-round but I only said I had a strange condition where my body got cold easily.  He seemed to buy the white lie and dropped the subject.

It’d been five months of us being together, every second of every day being perfect while he was around.  While he was away on tour, he always did thoughtful things for me.  Once, for no reason at all, he sent me a large bouquet of flowers with a note attached to it, saying:

I’ll stop loving you when the last rose in this bouquet dies.

The letter confused me and sent me into a world of panic.  I thought he really meant that his love for me would end and that he would leave me.  A voice in my head spoke, ‘look at the flowers!’ and I did.  I picked through each flower and noticed one a bit lighter than the other roses.  It was made out of a scratchy material.  My heart fluttered with tender feelings and, to my surprise, I loved him a little more that day.

“I-I don’t know how to tell you,” I murmured as looked around the room, another nervous habit I picked up along the years.  He sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Melissa, we’ve been dating for five months; you can tell me anything and I won’t judge you, no matter what.”  His words fluttered my heart but I still felt uneasy about speaking my mind.  My biggest fear about dating someone as wonderful as Louis Tomlinson was that he could have any girl he wanted.  If he felt like it, I bet he would leave me and just easily find another girl.

“If I tell you, will you leave me?”  I spoke in a tone that was almost inaudible.  Damn nerves.

“Why the hell would I ever leave you?  You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more!  You’re beautiful, hilarious, and such a sweet person.  Why would I leave the best thing that’s ever happened to me?”  His voice rose but it was still kept calm and collected. There was no anger in his eyes, only a baffled, questioning look in the blue eyes.

“Well, I used to…Sort of…I did…” I couldn’t find the appropriate words to say so I was left stuttering like a fool.

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