For Bella

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This is a romantic/dirty imagine for @GottaBeLouis. This is the longest, and probably the best imagine I’ve ever written, so Bella you’re in for a treat hah!


                Fingers intertwined, my head on his chest to listen to his steady heartbeat and breathing; the moment couldn’t be more perfect. I look up to see his greyish-blue eyes peering down into mine, lovingly and full of admiration. The movie seemed to drown out as I lean up to kiss him, pressing my lips to his soft ones.

                “You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, our lips barely grazing. I smile against his lips and kiss him softly again. Things began to get heated as he presses my back against the couch. I feel his tongue skimming against my bottom lip; he’s begging for entrance. My mouth opens in shock as he squeezes my bum lightly. I giggle during the kiss, making a low chuckle emit from his throat. I freeze as his hands press against my breasts.

                “Lou?” I question, “What are you doing?” he pulls back, his eyes filled with something unknown to me. They were darker than usual, his pupils were dilated. His lips meet my neck in a tender kiss, sucking and biting delicately soon afterwards.

                “Don’t you think tonight would be the perfect night to lose it?” He inquires against my neck. He pulls back to show his gentle lips stretched in a sly grin. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

                “Lose what?” I question. He lets out a breathy chuckle and presses his lips against my neck once more.

                “Oh Bella, you’re so innocent love,” he coos. I probe my mind for what he might mean. Suddenly a thought comes to my head. My muscles tense in response, my breathing coming in shallow huffs. Louis notices and pulls back, his eyes unemotional.

                “Oh,” I breathe. He studies me for a moment, waiting for a complete answer. I finally come to the conclusion. I nod slowly, receiving a pleased grin from Lou. He lifts me up bridal style and carries me toward his bedroom. He lies me down delicately, getting on top so both knees were on either side of my waist. His lips press against mine in an urgent kiss.

                “I’ll be gentle,” he whispers as he notices how unwilling I am to cooperate. My muscles are still tense and I’m nervous. He sits down and pulls me on his lap, kneading his thumbs and fingers into my shoulders in an attempt to loosen me up.

                “You have magic fingers,” I moan. He chuckles and continues to work wonders.

                “This isn’t the only thing they can do,” he whispers, his minty breath tickling my ear. My breathing hitches and he chuckles again. While I’m still on his lap, he pulls my legs apart. His fingers work with the tie on my sweatpants, undoing them and tossing them aside. His hands trail from my calf to my thigh, making goose bumps press against my skin.

                “So soft,” he murmurs. I stop breathing once he presses a hand against my most private area. He rubs my core through the underwear, making me throw my hands back and tangle them in his hair. His fingers hook around the underwear and tug them off slowly. I move my hand down to stop him but he presses his lips against my neck, halting me from my action. He tosses the underwear aside. I begin to press my legs back together, feeling insecure and vulnerable but he pulls them apart again. I had never been touched there before and it was a stomach churning feeling. I think it was safe to say I was nervous.

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