The Old Poem

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"The roses are red,

The violets are blue,

The honey is sweet, 

And so are you."

That is the saying, is it not?

The phrase that is repeated to someone you love?

But why, my dear, why?

Why must you give my heart a shove?

That shove, however, is in the wrong direction, 

For I am afraid you will never feel as I do, 

Because you do not show me how you feel,

As I show you.

When it came time to choose,

Between you and your brother, 

I realized I am closer to loving you, 

Than I am to loving another.

Now, I admit, I do not love you,

But if you could only show me your intentions, 

Whether they be for me or for another, 

We could end this madness, end all of the tensions.

"The roses are red,

The violets are blue,

The honey is sweet,

And so are you."

After hearing my tale,

Do you now believe the story, 

As adorable as it is, 

In its full glory?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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