FUCK!! I imprinted on the leech-lover

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dedicated to elainebell8

Paul's p.o.v

She had slapped me.... Slapped me of all people!! I couldn't control myself I started shaking and shaking but then she looked at me in the eyes and my whole world changed my breath hitched. l..l couldn't talk, I calmed down and stopped shaking immediately. I saw my whole world ahead of me

I would do and be any and everything for her.....Me and bella sitting on the porch watching 3 little Lahote's playing in the yard..It was unbelievable. I never felt this way and still didn't want too cause now I had the leeches leftovers and I couldn't handle it I loved her but didn't want to be with her... my wolf wanted her so bad but my man didn't..he was repulsed and sick but the wolf wanted to take off her clothes and fuck her right now on the ground..

Someone awkwardly coughed getting my attention and it was Sam "we should probably go" he said but I growled I didn't want to leave my imprint but I knew I would have to but my wolf wanted to stay but I didn't and I knew i was stronger than this I could leave it I wanted to buy my wolf didn't... I didn't know what to do so I started jogging towards the woods only giving her a glance as I ran and disappeared into the woods.

I ran and ran and ran. I didn't know were I was going I just let my instincts kick in and ran. The air felt so good in me and the sound on birds chirped in my ear. it was so relaxing. I would have keep running until I stopped and smelled a leech but I was far from home but I had recognized the smell.. It was getting closer so I crouched down in my fighting position ready to attack but I just stood their for like 5 minutes waiting but nothing came but the scent was still their...

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