11 August, 2017

40 1 0

Sara's P.O.V

today is my birthday.

I'm turning 18 and I'm having a sorta huge party.

(what she's wearing)

so it's at my mums and she has a pool and a huge backyard but it's winter here in Australia so good luck to whoever gets in the pool

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so it's at my mums and she has a pool and a huge backyard but it's winter here in Australia so good luck to whoever gets in the pool.

I have a few family members but not a lot coming and a lot of friends.

me and my best friend Jordan are wearing the same thing yes it was planed.

speaking of Jordan, she was helping me set up a few tables outside for the party.

'Jordan can you get some alcohol from down the road' I ask jordan turning around to face her.

'yea okay, see you soon' she says as she walks out the gate.

I went back inside and saw Joey and Max looking at baby pictures of me.

'really' I ask putting my hands on my hips.

joey looks up smiling which quickly turns into a frown.

'babe, where is the bathroom ?' Madeline asks coming out of no where.

'why don't you ask Sara she's right there and this is her house' joey responses sounding annoyed.

I walked her to the bathroom and showed her the door after that I went straight to the kitchen and saw cole blowing up balloons with seb.

'what's wrong' cole asks tying the end of the balloon up.

'nothing' I reply siting at one of the seats at the kitchen bench.

'its Madeline isn't it' cole said throwing the balloon across the other side of the room.

'she doesn't treat him right' I mumbled making sure she couldn't hear us.

'I know what you mean' seb says while putting his arms around my waist behind me.

'what are you doing' I ask laughing at him.

'I'm being joey for you so you can calm down'

'it doesn't work like that dumbass' I said back to him.

'it's probably not a good idea anyway if ya know what I mean' cole said starting to blow up another one.

'I'm back' jordan yelled walking through the back door (which is the kitchen door).

** time skip to about 7pm when everyone is at the party **

it's dark outside and the music is loud we have lights everywhere and cups everywhere from the alcohol.

it's a bit warm at 26 degrees celsius, and with people dancing around it's a bit hot and stuffy so some people are sitting by the pool.

me and cole are talking about me getting a grey kitten cause like I want one behind the pool fence.

'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY' I heard Jordan scream and I know it wasn't the alcohol kicking in because she's only had 2 drinks.

we all turn around and see Jordan pull Madelines hair and throw a punch at her face.

Max comes over to her tries to pull Jordan away but ends up getting pushed into the pool.

I run in and tell Jordan to stop.

she sees the anger and sadness in my eyes and pushes her into the pool and walks away.

'what the fuck was that about' I pull her aside as she tries to pass me.

'she was talking shit about you on your fucking birthday' she said in anger.

'okay but was that worth fighting over' I questioned

'when it's your best friend and a slutty ass bitch is saying how fat and fucking ugly you are and that you will never have a boyfriend cause you make up fucking lies' she finishes yelling at me.

I take a step back anger taking over me.

'Madeline come here' I yell at her as she's hugging joey.

'no thank you' she yelled back.

everyone had gone back to doing what they were doing and it was only a situation the 6 of us had to figure out.

I saw joey mumble something and they both started walking towards me.

'you need to leave' I said angrily.

'I'm not leaving my baby behind' she said in an innocent voice.

'it's my 18th birthday I want to celebrate with my actual friends and family and have fun so what on earth gives you the right to go around calling me fat and ugly saying I'll never be in love because I lie, well here's news for you I'm pretty sure you described yourself so leave' I yelled the last part tears starting to form in my eyes.

'aw look birthday girl is going to cry' she exclaimed making a sad face.

joey let go of her and stood by me.

'I agree with Sara I'm not having my girlfriend talk shit about my best friend who loves me and takes care of me and whose always there so go home get a bus or an Uber and catch a flight home, go. oh and by the way we are done.' he pointed to the gate further behind us.

she stomped her way down the driveway and to the gate.

she turned around to say something but nothing came out of her mouth instead she turned back around and slammed the gate shut.

I turned back to joey and said 'thank you I can now enjoy a night with my friends'.

'welcome ist the least I can do' he said while giving me a hug.

we walked back to the veranda to get some drinks.

'where did Jordan go' I ask taking a sip of my redbull vodka.

'I have no idea joey replied' hugging into my side.

'hey do you guys know where seb is' Buddha asks coming over to us.

'no, do you know where Jordan is' I reply.

'nope' he says back as we all look at each other and say 'ew' at the same time.

'I'm done' I say shaking my head.

and the rest of the night consisted of talking and working out that's exactly what happened yep Jordan and seb fucked and let's just say none of us were surprised.

I think the most surprising thing is the fact that I drank so much alcohol I don't remember going into my childhood hood room and fucking cole....

thank you for reading....

I'll try and post as much as I can.

song of the day
Sympathy For The Devil
The Rolling Stones

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