The Withered Rose

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Chapter 1

The majestic frame of an ancient mansion stood tall within the Minecraftian landscape, piercing the soft twilight sky with its wizened wooden peaks. To some, this mysterious building would seem like the perfect place to go exploring- a place to unlock whatever mysteries left by its former residents...

If it weren't for the fact, that no one who went there ever came back alive.

Surrounded on all sides by a thick and tangled forest full of terrifying creatures and traps, this mansion was a truly formidable place. But for the 'outlaws' of Minecraftia, Herobrine himself, and his powerful queen Yazmyne- the Sorcerer was home.

At this time of evening, when she didn't necessarily have something more important to do, Yazmyne loved to look out the window in one of the upper rooms and watch the moon rise into the sky. It reminded her of the first night she had met Herobrine, when-

She sensed movement no more than an inch behind her- instantly, her assassin instincts kicked in. She drew her blade and spun around...suddenly realizing, that she now had her husband's face at knife point.

Herobrine had a look of shock, at first, before softening his gaze and smiling slightly at her.

"Yazmyne, my love....I don't really think I need a shave right now..."

She immediately withdrew the blade, looking sheepish.

"Oh...Hero, you startled me! Sorry, I guess I should be more careful with my reflexes...I'm just...a little on edge lately, I suppose."

"Not to worry, my love."

Herobrine wrapped her in a tender embrace, bringing her close to him. He sighed, a note of pure happiness in his tone as she lovingly hugged him back.

"You know, Yaz, you're just as beautiful and skilled as you were the day I met you. That's about the fifth time you've drawn a weapon on me by accident, and even when you do that, I just love you all the more...."

She looked up at him with a laughing smile.

"Well, maybe I should do that more often, if it gets you in this good of a mood!"

Her white-eyed beloved chuckled himself a little as their embrace ended.

"I'm actually rather curious why you are happier than usual tonight," Yazmyne stated thoughtfully, "Did you go and torture someone without me?"

"Of course not," Herobrine grinned, "Predator and I went to the Nether to check up on the Fortress, and I, ah....found something..."

He reached into his jacket and brought out a glowing rose- Yazmyne gasped at the sight of it.

"Herobrine, where....where on earth did you find that?!"

The rose was not a typical red rose, but indeed, was far more beautiful. Its petals were black, and its stem a deep blue, yet its entirety sparkled as if dusted with diamonds. Around the petals glowed a soft halo of light, as if a tiny moon were shining from within.

"A withered rose," Herobrine smiled, handing it to her, "Rare and beautiful- just like you."

She took it gently, awed by its beauty, and deeply touched.

"There have been stories about rare roses in the Nether, but I never really believed them until now. My king....thank you! I love you so much!!"

Herobrine found himself caught in a bear hug- the white-eyed pair were clearly just as in love as they had been on their wedding day. After a few moments, Yazmyne stepped back and smiled at him, fondling the rare rose.

"Though, might I ask what the occasion is?"

"I would have given you a rose for no occasion but my love for you, anytime else," Herobrine practically gushed, "but indeed, there is an occasion for this time!"

He swept her up and spun her around (something he nearly always did when especially happy), and continued his explanation as he set her down.

"That rose is a symbol of the two of us," he grinned, as they began to walk down the long mansion hall, "Grown in darkness, alone, with only our small faint lights to guide us...until we find each other, and live out our endless days by each other's side rather than near the scorching flames of our past..."

"So poetic," Yazmyne sighed, "And yes, you are my eternal love...but, I'm afraid the fire is still there. The flames of the past continually haunt us- through Notch, Steve....and every other enemy we have against us."

"Ah, but I'm not finished yet," Herobrine replied, turning to her, "I believe....I believe there may be a way to finally eradicate those who oppose us."

Yazmyne shot him a look of surprise.

"But...that's impossible...we've tried so many times already, and they just keep coming back!"

"Not this time. You see, my love....I've come upon a realization that may change our futures forever. We know that Notch is our most powerful enemy, and even I have had great difficulty in attempting my revenge on him...but once he's gone, Steve will have no master at his side, and we can destroy him as well. Thus, we need to focus on finding a way to rid Minecraftia of that bald-headed buffoon."

"I already know that," Yazmyne replied sadly, "But, he is far too powerful- even for us. Notch has always been the most overpowered being in the Minecraftian universe, equal only to you..."

"But I have another power on my side..." Herobrine smiled, looking deep into her equally-glowing eyes, "You. And with your help, I think we've found a way to finally destroy Notch for good..."

"How so?"

"Simple," he replied, "More simple than I ever thought it would be. You see, Notch was the one who programmed this world, and thus, that's why he has such immense power here. If he were forced to fight us in a different world...perhaps a small pocket dimension, outside of Minecraftia...he would not have the slightest chance of surviving the both of us!"

Yazmyne stopped short of their walking, clearly taken aback by the simplicity of the idea.

"Something wrong, my love?" Herobrine asked.

"Not one bit..."

She turned to him, her eyes shining with a glimmer of...hope, was it? Herobrine couldn't help but smile broadly at her beautiful expression- real hope, was something he rarely saw in her.
"Hero, this could actually work. Why haven't we tried this before?"

"My thoughts exactly. If you have a Rift Stone in your arsenal, you could use that to create the pocket dimension, and we could launch an attack on Notch's base immediately."

"I know I have one somewhere," Yazmyne replied, "I could find it in no time."

"And the mob armies have been thirsting for blood for quite a while, your Highness and your Majesty..."

Another rough voice came from behind them- the two lovers turned to see Predator (Herobrine's right hand) approaching them, with Tristan (Yazmyne's right hand) following not too far behind.

"Apologies for our listening in, but the mobs could easily distract any forces that Notch would send against you."

"And Jason and I could get the best group of snipers and assailants you've ever seen rounded up, ready to pop skulls and clear up the battlefield for you, no problem, " Tristan added, with a mischievous grin, "Leaving you two alone with ol' Bearded Baldi and his little sidekick."

"Excellent! Then what do you say, my love?" Herobrine practically gushed, turning back to Yazmyne, "Are you ready for the greatest fight of our lives..?"

"No," she replied, surprising him for a moment. She smiled, bearing a hint of mischief in her expression.
"I'm ready, for the greatest victory, of our lives."

Her king smiled with all the pleasure in the world.

"It will be a victory, indeed!"
Herobrine kissed his Queen tenderly, before turning back to Tristan and Predator.

"Prepare the mobs to move out. We attack at midnight- by the time the dawn breaks, Notch's blood will be poured out on the very land he designed!"

Both henchmen respectfully nodded, swiftly heading to their duties without another word. 


-End of Chapter 1

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