Chapter 5 - Yazmyne and the Dragon

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A dragon's bellow of pain roared out in the dying night sky. The massive, sickly beast snarled at Yazmyne as she leapt off of him, where she had just landed a powerful Enchanted kick to his mouth.

"You think you can destroy me," he growled, spitting blood, along with a few of his smaller fangs, "Pathetic so-called Queen! I'll tear you apart AND your precious husband!"

Desmond reared on his hind legs, extending his massive claws before pouncing like a jaguar. Yazmyne ducked and rolled skillfully, stopping just near the back of his enormous foot.

Having her power already charged up and ready, she merely glided her hand across his heel- the flow of her element shot upward in a white bolt, rendering his entire left leg useless in an instant. He screeched in rage and struggled to catch his balance, causing the ground to tremble from his great size as Yazmyne sidestepped quickly out of his way.

"Just keep up that over-confidence in yourself, Desmond," she snapped, preparing for the next move, "When Herobrine returns from killing your little short-term ally, it'll just make it all the more enjoyable to see you fall!"

"Oh, you want to see a fall, do you..?"

Still favoring his useless leg, Desmond roared as he swung his tremendous poisonous tail in her direction- the white-eyed queen barely missed it, ducking and raising her blue energy shield to deflect the spikes. She lowered the shield slightly when she thought the tail had retracted.

"Missed me, drag-"

Without a second to react, something yanked hard on her hood and jerked her backwards- his tail, again. She was thrown into the air, her heart stopping for a full moment as she realized Desmond's great maw of fangs was open and waiting beneath her. Thinking quickly, she summoned her beautiful white enchantress wings from her back, and shot away from danger just before his snout snapped shut in the air. Desmond hissed like a snake, his red eyes glowing with hate as Yazmyne whipped around midair and pulled out her assassin blade, running her hand over it swiftly to give it a temporary enchantment.

Neither waited for the other to make a first move- the white-winged queen threw her blade with daft accuracy, a sheer moment before Desmond reared up and swatted her out of the sky with his powerful claw.

Yazmyne hit the ground, the wind knocked out of her. One of her wings felt broken, but she couldn't be sure- suddenly, an enormous weight pressed down on her as Desmond pinned her to the stone ground with his claws. She cried out as the long nails peirced her wings shallowly- no matter how much she tried, she couldn't budge from his clutches. Despair began to creep into her heart as she heard his deep, ominous laugh rattle the sky.

"Not so powerful now, are you, Yazmyne?" he spoke, his tone slithery as he leaned his terrible jowls in close. She could feel the horrible wet heat of his breath, the tingling sensation of a few drops of acidic saliva hitting her back- she tried to look backward but could barely move.

"You know, I should really be thanking you before I go through with this, " Desmond chuckled, his fanged grin growing wider, "After all, if you hadn't have fought me before- you know, when you tore my first wings off- I wouldn't have returned to the Void for the amulet, and become the beast of your destruction."

"Go ahead," Yazmyne spat, speaking in defiance despite her fear of her long-term enemy, "Try to kill me. I and Herobrine both are able to live on until the world we know crumbles away- you can torture me, make me weak, but I'll never die, Desmond!"

His claws dug deeper, clutching particularly around her wounded wings- she cried out as he began to pull them slightly.

"Are you sure about that? Really, truly sure, that the most powerful Voidbeast that ever came to be, cannot end you for good...?" he inquired, with a sickeningly sweet tone.

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