Chappie 7

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while but never fear, it's here now! :) My stupid computer decided not to work for a while but now it is :D


Chappie 7

The girls shove me into a spacious room with all of the contestants in it. I stared around and then suddenly, lights flash in my face. "What the...?" I blink rapidly to make the dancing black spots go away from my vision.

"Charlotte! How do you feel about this contest?" someone in the room randomly blurts out in excitement.

"Uh, excuse me?" I still couldn't really see well from that bright flash. What the heck was that anyway?!? My vision cleared better and I saw about six different people all holding microphones and around three were holding cameras. Paparazzi? News? I have no clue.

"Your thoughts on the contest." the person repeats. It's a lady standing next to me with her microphone shoved into my face and behind her is a camera person.

"You sound like a psychiatrist," I look at the lady but she doesn't seem frazzled by my comment. I quickly glance around to see other contestants getting interviewed, and what I also didn't notice before that some of the contestants were sitting at a table signing autographs. Some of the celebrity judges where here but Little Mix and Harry were missing.

My friends also seem to have ditched me since they were no longer by me. They were over by the signing table talking to a reporter. "I think this contest is great," I say to the lady who was patiently waiting for my answer. Her face fell as if she was expecting a more heartfelt answer but I didn't give her the show she wanted.

"You can sing very well," the lady continues before I can escape her. "What was your inspiration to sing?"

"Actually, my sisters wanted me to sing to them when they were littler," I begin to explain. "So when my parents heard me, they told me to continue singing because they thought I was pretty good so I stuck with it."

"Very interesting!" the lady beams and looks at the camera guy behind her. "Did you get that?" she whispers to him. He nods and she turns back to me. "Did you like," she pauses for a bit and looks behind me. "Harry Styles!" she shouts and waves at him.

At first I thought the question was "Did you like Harry Styles?" I would have said no in a heartbeat if that actually was the question, but I don't have time to ask the lady before she dashes off towards Harry and starts shooting him a barrage of questions.

Now lonely, I walk over to the singing table. I had to tell people to move because now a steady stream of people wanting autographs start to come in. I think they want the actual celebrity judges autographs, not ours.

"Omigosh!" I hear a girl say in awe. "You're Charlotte Ricter!"

I stop short. At first I thought the girl was talking about someone else but apparently I was wrong. I turn around, startled. "Um yes, that's me." I look at her and she beams. The girl looks around 13 years old with big brown eyes and auburn hair.

"Can I have your autograph?" she squeals in delight.

"Sure," I walk behind the table and sit down next to some other people signing autographs. I take a sheet and start scribbling out my name.

"I love your voice!" The girl bounds over to the table and stands in front of me. "I want to be a wonderful singer like you!"

"Maybe someday you will," I say, without looking up as I continue to write. "What is your name?" I ask her.

"Stacey," she replies with a grin.

I wrote down on the sheet with my autograph, "To Stacey, the most energetic little fan of mine I've ever met." Really, it wasn't saying much since she's the only fan of mine that has come up to me. But it would make her day, as if having the chance to get autographs from all the contestants and several celebrities wasn't enough.

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