Stomach Flu |Z.H|

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Zach's POV
Waking up that morning was the worst thing I've ever done, my head was pounding and my stomach was doing flips. I looked over at the clock and realized it was 3 am I didn't want to wake up any of the boys and bother them so I decided to just try and sleep it off but that plan failed when I slapped a hand over my mouth and bolted to the bathroom. I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and threw up probably everything that had entered my system for the last few days, I threw up for about 45 minutes getting maybe two break in between throwing up. When I was finally done throwing up I leaned against the wall for support I wasn't gonna makes it back to my room I could just feel it, so instead I laid down feeling sorry for myself and fell asleep on the bathroom floor feeling the worst I've ever felt.

Jacks POV
I woke up and swung my legs over the side of my bed on a mission to get to the bathroom before I peed myself. I finally got to the bathroom but when I opened the door I saw a sight no one should see I saw my best friend on the ground unconscious. I fell to my knees next to his limp body and shook him lightly "Zach" he started to stir "Zach are you okay" I asked concern lacing my voice, I slowly helped him sit up he backed up against the wall and held is head in his hands "u good" I asked as I put my hands on his shoulders "y-yeah I'm fine" "what happened" "I u-uh I threw up and everything after that is a-a blur" I didn't even say anything I just pulled him into a hug "let's get you back to bed" "okay" he complied. I grabbed his hands and helped him up but he stumbled back and I put my arms around his waist and his arm around my shoulder helping him walk, I got him back to bed and went to get him some water and Advil he probably has a killer headache I feel so bad. When I got back in the room he was out cold, I put the water and Advil on the nightstand next to his bed then I put him under the cover kissed his head and went back to my room, I jumped into bed and quickly fell asleep with only the thought that I would tell Jonah in the morning.

Jonah's POV
I was awaken by to a crying Zach shaking me "Jonah" he cried I immediately got up my dad instinct kicking in "hey hey hey bub sit down what's wrong" I ask with my hands on both of his shoulders, I looked into his glassy eyes he's definitely sick "I-I- dont feel good j-Jonah I-it hurts" he said as he bent over clutching his stomach in pain "I need you to calm done Bubby I can't help unless you let me" he looked up at me tears still in this eyes "come on lay down let's try and get you back to sleep we can figure the rest of this out in the morning" I patted the spot next to me and Zach slowly climbed in under the blankets, he snuggled close to me he was shivering "you cold?" I asked "y-yeah" he most definitely had a fever. I pulled him into my chest so that his head was on my chest and my arms were over his shoulders try to keep him warm and give him some sort of comfort I drifted off to sleep with the ill boy in my arms.

Zach's POV
I woke up feeling ten times worse than before, I fell the bile coming up my throat and made a beeline for the bathroom probably waking Jonah but that wasn't what I was worried about.

Jonah's POV
I was awaken to Zach jumping out of bed and running I quickly threw the blankets off of me and ran after him. Once I reached the bathroom I saw a poor looking Zach dry heaving over the toilet crying his eyes out, I kneeled down beside him and rubbed his back for about 20 minutes before he stopped and fell into me probably exhausted from the experience "hey it's gonna be okay" I whispered to him as I played with his hair getting it out of his face "I-it hurts J-j" he didn't even finish his sentence before he was back over the toilet throwing up again. I rubbed his back for about 20 to 30 minutes before he finally stopped, he put his arms on the toilet and rested his head on them, I put my hand on the back of his neck "you feel any better?" He just shook his head "I'm gonna go get the thermometer and some water I'll be right back" before he could even answer I was out the door trying to get the supplies I needed.

Zach's POV
After puking I felt so dizzy so I rested my head on my arms on the toilet, after a few minutes I felt a comforting hand touch the back of my neck "you feel any better" I heard Jonah say I couldn't bring myself to answer scared that I might throw up again so instead I just shook my head which only made things ten time worse "I'm gonna go get the thermometer and some water I'll be right back" Jonah said as he jumped up and sprinted. I waited patiently then I felt bile coming up my throat again so I lean over the toilet again and throw up this time when I finished I felt so lightheaded I went to stand and get Jonah but everything went dark.

Jonah's POV
After grabbing everything I need I ran back upstairs as fast as I could, I walked into the bathroom looking down at the things in my hands I look up to ask Zach how he's doing when I see his unconscious form spread out on the bathroom floor. I fall to my knees next to him and shake him "Zach" no response "Zach buddy" after a few more tries I decided to get him out of the bathroom, I picked him up from under his knees and neck and quickly get him to his bed, I grabbed the water I had gotten earlier and splashed some on his face still nothing "Zach please" i said my voice cracking in the middle completely sobbing at this point. It stayed silent other than my quiet sobs for a while until I felt Zach slightly shuffle on the bed "bubby" I said "Jonah?" he questioned I pulled him into a hug "y-yeah its me" "why are you crying" Zach asked as he looked up "I was just worried about you" "oh i'm sorry" "for what" "for worrying you" he looked down I put my finger under his chin and brought his head up "its okay its not your fault" I hugged him tighter.

Zachs POV

For the next few days Jonah took care of me making sure that I was feeling okay, I couldn't ask for a better older brother. (AN: They aren't actually brothers but Jonah is the closest thing to an older brother that Zach has.

Words ~ 1295

Hey Guys I hope you enjoyed this one sorry it took so long for me to get out i've been really busy trying to get work done schools kind of demanding but you know. Well leave some requests love you guys see you next time :). Also I forgot to mention, thank you for the request

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