Fake Sick |D.S| part 1

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Dani's POV:

I woke up and I was legit so tired I really don't feel like going to all the business meetings and interviews today, I was thinking of anyway I could get out of them and then I came up with a brilliant idea I could fake being sick!

It was 7:30 meaning Jonah would be in a few minutes so I got up and walked into the bathroom and put some blush on my cheeks to make me look flustered (also I have blush from the last time my sister visited), after I put the blush on I walked back into my room and grabbed a hand warmer from my drawer seeing as it was getting cold out I had some. I laid down holding the hand warmer to my head waiting, probably about 10 or 15 minutes later I heard my door open so I quickly hid the hand warmer under my pillows and cuddle further into my blankets I felt the bed dip down a bit on the side "hey Dani it's time to get up" Jonah said as he pulled the blankets off my head I groaned "what's wrong" he asked placing his hand on my shoulder

"I feel sick" I said while groaning again and wrapping my arms around my stomach trying to make it believable "what's hurts bub" he asked in caring voice I felt kinda bad but I didn't want to go to all the meetings and other shit today "my stomach and my head" i said then pulled the blanket back over my head.

Jonah pulled the blanket back off my head and then put the back of his hand against my head "well your pretty warm I'll call management and see if you can stay home today" Jonah said quickly as he walked out of the room to call.

Yes I think my plan is working!

After a few minutes Jonah walked back in, I put a sad face on "alright bub you can stay home today text us if you need anything" I nodded and gave him a quick smile and then cuddled back into my covers letting sleep take me over.


I had texted my brother letting him know what I had done because I felt guilty about it he told me to just tell Jonah the truth and get it off my chest and that he would probably be mad at me at first but then he would eventually forgive me so thats what I did.

JonahBear ~ Hey How you doing?

Dani ~ I have something to tell you...

JonahBear ~ Well what is it bub, is everything okay?

Dani ~ Yes well no... I lied about being sick today to get out of the interviews and stuff i'm really sorry I understand what I did was wrong i'll do anything to make it up to you guys i'm sorry....

JonahBear ~ We will talk about this when I get home your in big trouble!

Dani ~ .... I'm sorry


After texting Jonah and telling him the truth I decided a walk would be a good idea to clear my head or whatever. I was walking through the woods when I came to a lake, I was looking over the water when I leaned forward a little too much and slipped into the water, it was so cold seeings as it was in the middle of the winter. As soon as I had hit the water I scrambled out as fast as I could and went to walk back to the house.

When I was almost halfway back my legs gave way and I fell right to the ground with a hard thud in the middle of the path, I was so cold and I felt so sick in that moment I guess Karma really is a bitch.


I finally found the strength to get up and continue the walk, I looked down at my phone and realized what time it was the boys were probably worried, actually probably not. Jonah probably told the other boys what I had done they were most likely really mad at me. I walked home with a sorrowful look on my face.


Jonah's POV

"Where the hell is Dani we've been home for over 2 hours and he isn't here" Corbyn said with concern lacing his voice

"He's fine Corbyn he probably went for a walk" Jack tried to reason while walking over to comfort Zach who was at this point panicking over the tall boy he considered his older brother

"Wh-what if he's h-hurt" Zach cried into Jack's chest

"Shhh Zach it's okay Dani's fine" Jack replied as he held Zach's head to his chest trying his best to comfort him in any way he possibly could

"You guy's need to chill out Dani's a big boy he can handle himself" I said with some spite in my voice. I was still pissed off at Dani for lying if he was lost he deserved it, he lied to all of us. I didn't tell the other boys because he was already gonna get enough from me when he got back.


There was a long silence no one said anything until the door opened 15 minutes after Jonah had spoken.

Zach was the first person up and running towards the door, as soon as Dani walked in the door Zach threw himself into Dani's arms crying tears of relief "Thank god your okay" Zach said but it was barely audible due to his face being hidden in Dani's shirt which he had noticed was wet after a few minutes into the hug. Zach pulled away when he felt Dani's shirt was wet "Why are you soaking wet" Zach questioned Dani "I w-was taking a walk and I fell into a lake but i'm okay don't worry i'm just going to go up to bed goodnight Zach" Dani said as he kissed Zach on the top of his head and then turned around to walk up the stairs.

As Dani walked through the living room the other boys tried to get his attention to try and talk to him and ask what had happened he ignored them

Once Dani got up to his room he walked into the bathroom and locked the door then stripped himself of clothes and took a warm shower

Once he got out of the shower he got dressed in a a pair of grey sweats and then plopped down on his bed feeling sorry for himself but also he knew he probably deserved it

Soon after laying down he drifted off into a restless sleep

•3 hours later•

Dani's POV

"Dani" ~ Corbyn

I felt someone touch my shoulder which pulled me out of the previous state of sleep I had been in

"Mmm" I groaned not wanting to get up

"How you feeling bubs" Corbyn asked while placing his hand on my leg

"Good" I said in reality I felt so sick but I knew Jonah would never believe me and would tell the others that I had been faking the other day

"Are you sure... you look kinda pale" Corbyn said while feeling my forehead

"Dani your warm" Corbyn stayed

"I was under the blankets that's why I'm perfectly fine I swear" I shot him a weak smile that he returned

If one of the boys told Jonah that I was sick again then Jonah would flip his shit, apparently he's the only one of knows I faked

"Alright we'll meet us downstairs in 10"

"Okay I'll be down in a minute"

And with that Corbyn had left my room leaving me to wallow in self pity

Words ~ 1304
Hey guys so seeing as I haven't updated in a while and I wanted to get a part out this is gonna be part 1 comment if you want a part 2 love y'all 🖤 Also check out my new two story's please and thank you 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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