1a | physics tutor

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your p.o.v

   As I walked down the busy street this morning, a cool breeze brushed through my hair. Unfortunately, I was on my way to school. I would much rather be at the park on a day like this.

   Soon enough I was walking into the doors of my school. I read the time on my phone; 7:45am. Just enough time before English I thought as I walked to my locker. My stomach began to bubble with nerves thinking about todays physics test. Physics was my worst subject, a very close second being Spanish.

   I pulled out my physics notes and read over them as I walked to my first period class. The hallways were clear for the most part considering I was 20 minutes early.

I didn't understand how I was so bad at physics, but I'm still top of my class. I was holding an A/95 in that class, but I needed it to be higher. The best physics person in my class was Peter Parker. Whenever anyone needed help, he was the guy to call on.

I walked into my first period. I instantly walked to my seat continuously re-reading my notes in hopes that I would make at least an 80% on this test. The class began to fill with students.

"Nervous for the physics test much?" Peter Parker asked from beside me.

"You could definitely say that," I started, my breath hitching. "It's just— I'm really bad at physics."

"I highly doubt that. You're top of our class." Peter said with a boyish smile.

I had to admit, he was pretty cute. Way better looking than I thought he was. We had been talking to each other more and more recently.

"Well, sadly, I am. I'm barely holding a ninety-five in that class." I said, continuing to jot down flash cards.

This made Peter laugh. I looked up at him, a small smile growing on my face.

"What— What is it?" I asked, smile growing.

"It's just that most people in that class would kill to have that grade." He said, a few giggles escaping from his lips.

"Um... I guess so. What do you have?" I asked him with a shy smile.

"Uh I think I have a ninety-nine." He said, trying to not be cocky.

This caused me to throw my head back with a groan. He giggled scratching the back of his neck.

"Let me make you a deal." He began with a small smile, blushing.

"I'm all ears." I said desperately.

"I will tutor you if..."

"If what?" I asked, feeling nervous.

"If you help me with help me with algebra 2." He said seeming like he was more questioning himself than anything.

"Absolutely, but I thought you were good at math?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"C-Common misconception I guess." He replied, cheeks turning pinker.

"Well, it's a deal," I held out my hand which he gladly shook. "So, when do you want to tutor me?"

"What about tonight? After my shift at the Stark internship I have." He bragged sitting up a bit.

"Yeah that's perfect because I have dance until 5:30." I brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"Oh I didn't know that you d-did dance." He said, eyes widening.

"Not many people do. It's more of a hobby than anything."

"That's really cool!" He said with a broad smile.

We continued to talk throughout the class period. We decided that he would pick me up from dance at 5:45.

I was really excited. Peter was really nice, smart, and fun to talk to. He surprised me because I had always heard my friends talk about how weird he was. It turns out that he's on the academic decathlon team. Peter practically begged me to join the team, so I'm thinking about it. ("Y/n, please, I need someone to talk to there!")

- time skip to last period

I walked into the physics room absolutely terrified to take the test. I rapidly went through my flash cards in attempt to remember all the information on the cards. I wasn't able to remember anything that I had just read over and over again. However, a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, Y/n! Ready for the test?" Peter asked sitting behind you.

"I think I might just jump off of a bridge." I said blankly while turning around to see Peter.

"I'll catch you then." He said like it was an obvious answer.

"How would you do that? Are you like spider man or something?" I said, giggling to myself.

"Um uh no a-absolutely not." He stuttered, stifling down a laugh.

"Anyways, are we still on for 5:45?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, for sure. I'll be there as fast as I can. I have to warn you, I am late a lot." He said throwing his hands up.

"Don't worry, I am too." I reassured him.

One of the substitute teachers walked into the room. Everyone's attention was now on her.

"Class! Your teacher got sick in the middle of the day and had to go home, so instead of having a test this is a free period." The substitute teacher said as the class celebrated.

I immediately was relieved. Peter patted me on the shoulder and I turned to meet him once again.

"Feel better?" He said with a small smile.

"One-hundred percent," I sighed. "Do you want to sit here with me?"

My physics partner wasn't here today, so I was sitting alone at the lab table. I patted the seat next to me for Peter to sit down.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you." He said moving his stuff over to the seat next to me.

"No problem."

"You know, you're way cooler than I thought you'd be. Everyone says that you're so obsessive over your grades that it gets in the way of you being fun. I don't agree, of course. You just care." He said sincerely as he sat down.

"Thank you, that is so sweet. I honestly thought the same thing about you." I said truthfully.

"Really?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Yeah! Except everyone says you're weird. I don't think you are. You're just yourself and I like that." I said, beginning to start on some homework.

   "Thank you, that is so sweet." He said in a high-pitched voice mocking me.

   We both laughed and I hit his arm. I smiled to myself for a minute. After a bit, I looked back up to him. He was smiling back at me.

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